The One where We Go Home.

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After the memorial, we were told to go get our stuff together for leaving tomorrow and were dismissed.

Everyone climbed the stairs silently and I can say that for the first time, I've never been more happy to get out of this school.

It was when we were all back in the common room that Dean spoke up, looking at Harry with wide, slightly scared, eyes. "Is what he saying true? Is You-Know-Who back?" 

Harry wordlessly nodded and headed for the stairs while I sat down next to Lee. 

"Last night," he mumbled, making me look at him, "You said something about them touching the cup. And George, he said you did all you could. What was he talking about?"

I could see that Hermione and Ron were both hovering by the fireplace, not so subtly listening. 

"I...don't know what you're talking about," I whispered. 

"Come off if, Amy," Ron muttered, making both George and I look at him, "We all know something's going on. You knew about the dragon."

"Ron," George warned but it was Hermione who cut him off.

"And there's been secret meetings with Dumbledore. Care to explain those?"

"You really want to know what's going on?" I asked, ignoring George when he whispered my name and stood up, "Fine. Yes, yes I saw the dragons for the first task. Yes. Okay? Because apparently, my parents, they aren't really my parents. No, I'm adopted. And apparently, some woman who had...visions, is my real mum. And now, she has passed this power onto me. Oh, and I saw what happened to Cedric happen weeks before it did and I told Dumbledore and he said he was going to sort it." My voice lowered significantly as I fell back into the seat beside George, "But he didn't. And now, now he's dead." 

The common room was looking at me in silence until Hermione cleared her throat, "You're psychic?"

"Insane is what she is," Seamus snorted from the doorway, "They all are. Dumbledore, Harry. The lot of you. Spouting rubbish like You-Know-Who's back and this one," he pointed at me, "Claiming she's psychic."

"Are you trying to say she's a liar?" George asked, leaning forward to glare at the fourth year.

Seamus said nothing, choosing to leave under the intense stare of both him and Fred. 

"It doesn't matter," I muttered, picking up my cloak which was going to have to go into my trunk, "I'm gonna go pack." 

"Amy." I heard Hermione say but I ignored her and Angelina as they tried to speak to me, climbing the stairs to the dormitory quickly, "Amy, come on." 

"No," I said, spinning around on the stairs, "You don't know how this feels. Seamus, I don't blame him for thinking it. I think that I'm mad half the time! Just, please guys. Leave me alone."

Upstairs, I was throwing all of my stuff into my trunk, not bothering to fold my clothes or pack stuff away nicely. Didn't matter anyway. The uniform wouldn't be getting worn again until next term and when I was done, I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. 

Everything was going to be different now. 


It wasn't until we were all back on the Hogwart's Express that anyone made any attempt to talk to me. It was as if everyone knew I wanted to be left alone. 

I was sat in a compartment on my own, looking up when the door slid open and George came in, giving me a sheepish smile as he sat across from me, "Hey." 

"Hi," I whispered, looking out of the window, "Are they all talking about me?" 

"Who? Everyone out there? Nah. They've got something more interesting to be focused on." he answered. 

"Like what?" 

"Oh just the fact that Malfoy is currently moulting feathers. Fred and I may have snuck some canary creams into their compartment."

"Really?" I asked, a hint of a smile on my lips as I finally looked at him. 

"Yeah," he grinned, "No one even remembers that you've got some magic future seeing thing going on." 

"I'm sorry I freaked out," I muttered, cuddling into his side when he finally came to sit beside me, feeling his lips against the side of my head.

"No one's blaming you," he said, "I think it's a very valid reaction to being called insane." 

"Thanks, Georgie." I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder, "You two are going to come visit me this summer, right? Not gonna leave me hanging?" 

"If mum says it's okay, then sure. But you know what she's like sometimes. Especially with all of this He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named, business." he answered, "But yeah, I'll make sure to mention it to her. Again." 

Grinning, I planted a kiss on his cheek, looking up once again when the compartment door opened.

"Oh, there you are," Fred grinned, looking over his shoulder, "Oi! I found them!" 

George and I moved up as people started cramming into the compartment and soon, I was smashed against the wall, my arm being crushed as Lee pushed in between Geroge and Ron.

"Okay, guys, what are you all doing in here?" I groaned, finally getting myself free but before I could find another seat, George wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. 

"We wanted to say sorry," Ron murmured, "We may have overreacted a little bit back there. Well, some of us did."

"Seamus," Lee coughed, earning a dig to the ribs from Ginny. 

"Seriously though," Hermione murmured, "We are sorry." 

"It's okay," I smiled, reaching over to pat her hand, "It''s just going to take me and now everyone else, a little while to get used to it all. But listen, please come and see me. You're all welcome. Mi casa es su casa." 

"I might have to take you up on that," Harry said as he came into the compartment, "I'd go anywhere instead of back to the Dursley's." 

"Well," I smiled, "Like I said, you're all welcome." 

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