The One Where I'm Confused.

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finally putting a face to Amy! the lovely Jessy Barden. But if you want to use your imagination, that's totally fine!
Also, this is a short chapter but I'm putting it up anyway :)

"Amy? Amy, what on Earth are you doing up here? Amy!"

My eyes opened when I felt Harry give my shoulder a gentle shake and immediately, I realised that I was not in my dorm room.

In front of me; Harry, Ron and a few other Gryffindor students were watching me curiously, waiting for me to answer.

"Amy?" Harry said again.

"I..." I trailed off. I wasn't exactly sure where here was at the moment but my right arm was somehow soaking wet, "Why are my clothes wet?"

"Why are you in the astronomy tower? That's a better question," Ron said, crouching down beside us too.

"The astronomy tower?" I repeated, shaking my head, "No. No, I was in my room."

"Well, you're not there now, are you dear?" Professor Sinistra said, making me look at her, "Looks like Gryffindor have a sleepwalker on their hands. Nothing to be ashamed of though."

I shook my head again, "No. I don't sleepwalk Professor."

"Mhmm," she nodded, "Then how else did you get up here? Look at you dear, you're shivering. Mr. Weasley, can you escort Amy back to the common room?"

He silently nodded as he and Harry helped me up.

"Amy," Dean Thomas was holding out his cloak to me but I just stared at him until he sighed and draped it over my shoulders himself, "Just leave it on the couch, yeah? I'll get it after class."

I nodded silently, staring at the floor but I felt Ron's hands on my shoulders, steering me towards the doorway, "Cheers, mate."

Ron chatted all the way back to the common room but I couldn't listen. Nor could I partake in the conversation. No, I was too busy trying to work out why the hell I was in that tower!

I don't sleepwalk. I never have and I refuse to believe that's all it was. No, I was up there for a reason. I just didn't know what that reason was.


Fred and George found me on the couch the next morning, still in my pjs.

"Hey, Love," George greeted, pressing a kiss to my hairline, "You not getting dressed?"

"I will," I mumbled, "I'll be down in time for breakfast."

I looked up as Harry and Ron joined us, Harry giving me a small smile as he sat beside me, "Alright? Worked out what went on last night?"

"Last night?" Geroge echoed, "What happened last night?"

"This one," Ron laughed, "She was up in the astronomy tower when we went to class. Conked right out so she was."

George looked at me with furrowed brows, "What were you doing up there?"

I opened my mouth to reply but Ron beat me to it, "Your girlfriend sleepwalks, George."

"No, I don't."

"Come on, Amy." Ron continued to laugh, "You heard what Sinistra said. She thinks you did too!"

"I didn't!" I snapped, standing up from the couch, "I don't know what happened last night but I know for a fact that I didn't sleepwalk!"

"Woah," George whispered, standing up too, "Woah."

I let out a shaky breath and rest my head on his chest, "I'm sorry. Ron, I'm sorry. I just...I don't know what's happening with me."

"What do you mean?" I felt George's chest rumble as he spoke, his hand resting on my back, "Tell us what's going on."

"I...I feel like I've had a vision," I whispered, "That I've seen something. I feel the way I always do but at the same time, I don't,"

"Don't what?"

"I don't remember," I whispered, a tear slipping down my cheek, "I don't remember it and then I wake up in the tower and I don't know how I got there or what I was doing...I don't sleepwalk, Geroge. I don't."

"Hey," he soothed, "It's okay. Amy, it's okay."

"I want to remember it," I whispered, "But it's like...there's a part of my memory missing. I remember going to bed but I don't think I fell asleep."

George ran his hand through my hair, "Well, maybe you walked up to the tower on your own? You were tired, right? Maybe you just can't remember."

I stopped my sniffling and he wiped his thumbs under my eyes. It was possible that he was right. I mean, I could have been so exhausted that I just got up and walked.


"Come on," George said quietly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "We'll go for some breakfast. I'll even bring it to you. My treat."

Licking my lips, I nodded, "Yeah. Okay, thanks. And Ron," I turned to look at him, "I really am sorry for snapping at you."

He gave me a weak smile, "Don't worry about it, Amy. We get it. The seventh year must be dead stressful if it can make you that delirious."

"Yeah," I whispered, letting George lead me from the common room, "It sure is."

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