The One with the Surprise.

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The next few weeks were rough. We were all on edge - especially since Ginny had to return to Hogwarts - no matter how much she didn't want to go. Attendance was now mandatory.

Remus had gone to visit Harry, Ron and Hermione and when he returned, he didn't tell us how it went or what was spoken about, he just said that the three of them were alright.

George, he was quiet, something that normally would have put me right on edge but I put it down to him being worried about his younger siblings.

The twins decided to keep the shop open - to make things look as normal as possible - Death Eaters were watching.

They weren't outside all the time but they were there some mornings when we'd pull up the shutters and see that there were a few lurking around corners or standing on the pavement across the street.

We didn't get to leave the shop very often.

This morning, however, I was confused as to why when I came down after finishing my breakfast, that the shop was empty, the shutters were still down and Fred was the only one in sight.

"Morning..." I said slowly, "Are we not opening today? Where's George? Are you wearing a suit?"

Fred said nothing and held out his arm, a grin on his face.

"What's going on?" I asked, "What are you up to?"

He laughed, "Always the tone of suspicion with you, Silver. Just trust me."

I pursed my lips but slid my arm through his, "Let it be known that I do not like this."


With that, I felt the horrible pull in my stomach as we apparated out of the shop and he steadied me when we reached our destination - which was a place I was not familiar with.

"Where are we?" I asked again, trying to spot George but Fred shook his head.

"No time to explain," he said, grabbing my hand to lead me toward a white building which had a sign above the door which read;

Gretna Green - Famous Blacksmith Shop

I stopped.

Gretna Green. The place famous for runaway weddings.

"Fred," I breathed, "Fred, what is happening?"

There was a huge smile on his face as he turned to look at me, reaching out to take my hand again. "Well," he said, keeping his voice as soft as mine, "That all depends on you, Silver."

"Me?" I squeaked. 

He nodded, "See, my brother in there...he really loves you. And I reckon he wants to marry you." 

"Today?" I asked, feeling the familiar burn of tears and I couldn't help but laugh, "George wants to marry - where is he?"

"He's in there," he nodded to the building, "Probably stressing because we're no in there too."

"Can I talk to him?" 

Another soft smile came across his features, "Well, it's supposed to be bad luck for the groom to see the bride but...I think we can work something out." 

Fred pulled me down a short hallway, where we stopped outside by one of the many doors that were there. 

"George?" he asked, tapping lightly on the wood before opening it slightly, "I've got Amy here an-"

"Hang on!" we could hear him shuffling around on the other side and the sound of another door closing confused me, "Okay, you can come in now." 

Fred gave my shoulders a light squeeze, "On you go. But remember, it's your choice." 

The room was small, obviously a dressing room and on the other side, was the door we'd heard closing and I quickly crossed over to it, "George?" 

It creaked open but he didn't appear in the small space, "Hey Love. You okay?" 

I let out a weak chuckle, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous." 

His hand moved around the door and I raised mine to take it, "Why?" 

"You want to marry me?" 

"I thought I made that pretty obvious." he said quietly. 

"Today?" I pressed, "With none of our family here?" 

"I admit," he said, hand tightening around mine, "It's not the most conventional. Nor did I think we'd do this without me proposing. I don't want to go into this war that will inevitably happen without you being Amy Weasley." 

I bit down on my lip to suppress the smile that was threatening to take over my face. 

Sure, this wasn't exactly how I thought my wedding would go. I thought we'd have time to somewhat plan it and invite our families but to be honest, I wasn't really complaining. No, because I was going to be marrying the man I love.

"Okay." I finally whispered, laughing when I heard his sharp intake of breath. 


"Yeah," I said, unable to keep my voice steady, "Let's get married." 

I heard a soft thud against the door and it was a few seconds before George spoke again, "You need to go. Because I am very close to opening this door and kissing you." 

"That's bad luck." 

"I'll close my eyes." 

Anna chose that moment to make an appearance, "You'll do no such thing, George Weasley. Come on, Amy. Let's get you ready." I must have looked confused because she laughed, "We've got a dress for you. Though I'm not entirely sure it can be called a wedding dress." 

"I don't care," George called through the door again, "Amy could be  wearing a bin bag as a dress and she'd still be the most beautiful person in the room." 

My face flushed while Anna cooed softly before she grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room, "Give me twenty minutes with her!" 

"Got it!" 

The door slammed behind us and she was quick to pull me into the room opposite, where she spun me around to take a better look and she squeezed my hands when she saw how nervous I was. "Don't worry," she whispered, "You two are made for each other. God, you're going to make such beautiful babies." 


Twenty-five minutes later, I was peering into the closest mirror with Anna fussing with my hair behind me.

A soft knock on the door had us looking over our shoulders and Fred came in with a smile on his face, "Are we ready?"

I let out another deep breath, took one last look in the mirror before nodding, "Yeah." 

Anna disappeared and Fred came to stand beside me, holding out his arm for me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Isn't it obvious? I'm walking you down the aisle." 

"Oh," I whispered as we headed for the door, "Okay." 

"You know," he said, holding the door open for me, "I'm really happy for you. Both of you." 

"You're gonna make me cry..." 

"Don't," he laughed, pulling me into a tight hug, "But I'm glad you two got your heads out your arses and got together. Welcome to the family, Silver." 

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