The One with the Second Task.

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Over next two weeks, I was expecting Professor Dumbledore to come and speak to me but nothing. He wasn't around very much at all.

Sometimes, he wouldn't even come down for dinner.

And my parents, they had stopped responding to my letters. I had sent them three or four over the two weeks and there was nothing in reply. Making me a little worried.

George was frustrated even more than I was, muttering things under his breath whenever the headmaster walked by us without so much as an acknowledgement.

"He's supposed to be helping you!" he practically growled one morning, staring up at the teacher's table, "He hasn't even said one word to you!"

"George," I whispered, placing my hand on his when his loud words started to attract the attention of other students, "Stop yelling."

He huffed, stabbing a piece of bacon, "No. McGonagall said he would talk to you and he hasn't. What's the man playing at?"

"Woah," Lee said as he, Angelina and Fred sat down on the other side of the bench, "What's got your wand in a knot?"

"Nothing," I said, looking firmly at George again, "Nothing. He's fine. Harry, how are you feeling about the task?"

"Fine," he mumbled, "Just not sure if I trust Neville's judgement with Gillyweed."

"Gillyweed?" I asked, "What is the task?"

"Who cares?" Fred said loudly, "We all know he's gonna smash it. Don't we folks?"

There was a loud cheering from the table and Harry gave me a weak smile, leaning over so we could continue our conversation, "I think I'll be fine. I just don't know where Ron and Hermione have got to."

"They'll be there," I smiled, patting his arm gently, "There's no way they'd miss their best friend kicking everyone elses arses."

"That's the spirit, Amy!" Fred grinned, "Speaking of which..." He pulled piece of parchment, "Anyone interested in making a little bet?"

This perked George up a bit and he leant forward to engage in the gambling that was going on while I looked up at the teacher's table again, making eye contact with Dumbledore, keeping it for a couple of seconds before I looked back at the lads beside me.

"I'll take a bet."


With our hands linked tightly together, George and I followed the crowds of students down to the lakeshore, where there were small boats waiting to take us to where the main task would take place.

Fred and Lee were up ahead, grabbing the attention, like usual, as they tried to encourage as many of our fellow peers to place a bet.

The boy beside me squeezed my hand to get my attention and I smiled, "Yes?"

"I've been thinking th-"

"That's always a worry." I interrupted.

"Amy," he laughed, pulling me into his side when a shiver rolled through me, "I'm being serious. Maybe you should approach Dumbledore yourself."

I shook my head immediately, "No. Let's just...George, please, can we just leave it. For today? Let's just concentrate on making sure we cheer Harry on."

Sighing, he nodded and helped me get into the swaying boat and after he got in, along with Fred and Lee, we were on our way.

As we got closer, we could see that there were three huge stands in the water, one of which was already full of spectators. All of the teachers, judges and champions were congregated on the bottom tier of the middle one.

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