The One Where I Go to the Burrow.

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The summer, surprisingly, went quickly. Just like it always did. Things between my parents and I were a little awkward at first, but it all went back to normal when we flew out to Nebraska to visit my Grandmother like we did every summer. 

We all thought it best not to tell my Grandmother that I knew I was adopted. We didn't want to do anything that might upset her. 

Now, however, I was in the back seat of our family's car, trying desperately to get my father to let me drive. While I may have failed my apparition test, I managed to pass my driving one. 

"There isn't any point," my mum sighed, obviously having had enough of my whining, "We'll be there in ten minutes. Maybe less. You know what your father is like on these country roads." 

There was the Burrow, where I would be spending the last week of the holidays. 

With all the talk of You-Know-Who being back, both Molly and Arthur didn't feel comfortable letting the twins come to visit us, which was understandable. 

So instead, I was going to them. 

A grin spread across my face as we drove along the now dirt road, the misshapen house that I loved so much, slowly coming into view. 

"Oh my," mum whispered, this being the first time she was seeing the house (dad brought me on his own the last time) "Isn't this..." 

"Amazing?" I finished, squirming in my seat with excitement. 

"Unusual is the word I was looking for."  

"I agree with Amy," my dad murmured, giving me a smile in the rearview mirror, "It is pretty impressive." 

The front door of the house was opened, and Fred rushed out, followed by George.

I squealed and quickly undone my seatbelt, throwing the door open, ignoring my mum as she yelled at me for slamming it. 

Fred was holding his arms out for me but of course, I bypassed him and went straight for my boyfriend, leaping into his embrace. 

"Hi!" I giggled, giving him a peck on the cheek, a gasp leaving my face when I noticed that his hair was significantly shorter, "You got your haircut!" 

"I did," he nodded, "Well spotted, Love. How does it look?" 

"Very handsome," I mumbled, running a hand through it, "I love it." 

The sound of Fred clearing his throat behind us had me rolling my eyes, craning my neck so I could look over my shoulder at him, "Yes?" 

"I got my haircut too," he mumbled, "Am I as handsome as your beloved boyfriend, Amy?" 

I grinned and finally let go of his brother, ruffling Fred's hair before giving him a tight hug, "Yes, Fred,  you're handsome too." 

"Thank you," he beamed down at me, looking over my head as his parents came out to greet me, his mum going as far as to pull me into another tight hug.

"Mum!" George groaned, "You're cutting off her air." 

"It's just so good to see you!" Molly gushed, "Now, we'll get you settled into Ginny's room and then we'll have some lunch. Boys, get her trunk." 

"Yeah boys," I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows, "Grab my trunk."

I hadn't noticed that their dad had approached my parents and was now ushering them into their home, much to my mum's dismay. 

She really didn't like the whole magic thing.

"Fred, George," their mother snapped when neither of them moved, "Get the trunk!"  

"This is going to be a long week," Fred groaned, picking up one end of my trunk while George grabbed the other, "Especially if she's going to be acting like that." 

I followed as they carried the trunk up the flight of stairs to Ginny's bedroom, where there was a mattress set up on the floor for me, which I sat on with a sigh. 

"You know," I murmured, "You could have just used your wands." 

The smiles slipped off their faces as they looked at each other, realising that I was right. We were all seventeen. We could use magic whenever we wanted. 

"Or," Fred said, grinning at me, "We could've just apparated." 

"Not funny." I narrowed my eyes, "Now, what was the big thing that you kept writing about in your letters, but didn't actually tell me." 

"Oh!" George exclaimed, grabbing my hand to pull me off of the mattress. 

The three of us ran up another flight of stairs, to the floor where Percy and the twin's rooms were and before ducking into their room, I popped my head around the door to say hello to their brother, only to find that he was nowhere in sight. 

"Say," I murmured, finally going into the twin's room, "Where's Per-mphh" 

Both of them stopped what they were doing, George reaching over to press his hand to my mouth while Fred quickly crossed the room to close the door, "If you want to live, do not mention him in front of dad." 

"What?" I whispered when George finally removed his hand, "What's happened?" 

"I'll tell you later," he promised, "Okay?" 

Not wanting to push the matter any further, I nodded and sat down on the closest bed, "Okay. Now, what were you going to show me?" 

The grins returned and Fred ducked down under his bed, hauling out a large case and when he pushed it toward me, I looked at them skeptically, "If I open this, is something going to jump out at me? Am I going to be turned into a chicken?"

"Just open it!" 

I cautiously did as they said, my mouth falling open at the sight of the pile of gold that was in there, "Is that...? Where did you get it? Did you break into Gringotts or something?" 

"Like we'd do that," Fred muttered, "Harry gave it to us, it's his Triwizard winnings." 

"Shut up!" I yelled, apologising when the two of them shushed me, "Why would he do that?"  

"He didn't want it," George shrugged, "He told us to use it for the joke shop, reckons people are going to be needing a laugh." 

"He's not wrong." I murmured, picking up one of the coins. 

"How about you?" Fred asked, "Have you had any more dreams?" 

I shook my head, "No. I think they only happen when something bad's about to happen."

"Really?" he said again and I nodded. 

"Yeah, think about it. I mean, they started when Harry's name came out of the cup. When Cedric...when he died." 

That was the truth, ever since we came home for the summer, away from the castle, I had seen nothing. It was strange, unnerving really.

"You think they'll start when we go back?" George asked as their mum called us downstairs for food and I sighed, throwing the Galleon back into the case, which Fred returned to the safe spot under his bed. 

"Knowing my luck, probably." 

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