The One With the Rude Awakening.

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so, last saturday, i went to see the harry potter concert series. i highly recommend it to anyone who loves the movies. seeing the music being played right in front of you really is amazing! it has also reignited my love for the movies + books and i am definitely going to be focusing on this story a lot more. hope you like this update.


Mum and dad left shortly after lunch, giving me a tight hug and promising that they'd see me at Christmas and by the time I had finished getting settled in, the sun was starting to set behind the surrounding hills.

It was then that George had asked me to accompany him outside into the garden.

"Not too far, George," Molly warned, "Please?"

"I know," he smiled softly, "I know."

We walked right up to the back of the garden, sitting down against the trunk of one of the large trees that were in their garden. Well, Geroge sat against the tree and I sat down in between his legs.

"What happened with Percy?" I asked after a couple of minutes comfortable silence, "Was it that bad?"

"I think it's safe to say that we're well shot of him." George murmured and looking over my shoulder, I could see that he was positively glaring at the grass beneath us and I placed my hand on his cheek, making him look at me.

"What do you mean?"

"He had a row with dad," he began, "And you know dad, he doesn't row with anyone if he can help it. It was only the first week back from school and he came round to tell us that he had been promoted, which you know, surprised us all really, considering. He was now Junior Assistant to the Minister. He expected dad would be all impressed."

"And he wasn't?" I guessed.

"No," George said grimly, "No, he was not."

"How come?"

"Fudge has been going around the Ministry making sure that no one's been in contact with Dumbledore, whose name is practically dirt in that place now. Think he's making all of this stuff about You-Know-Who being back, up. Apparently, he's made it perfectly clear that anyone who's siding with Dumbledore, has to clear out their desk."

"Wow," I whispered, toying with his hands.

"And Fudge already suspects dad. Y'know, with his whole fascination with Muggles."

"But what's that got to do with Percy?"

George's free hand squeezed my waist, "I'm getting to that. You're so impatient."

I kissed his cheek, "Sorry."

"You're forgiven," he smiled, "Anyway, dad thinks that Percy's been promoted so he can use him to spy on us and Dumbledore. As you can imagine, Percy went mental. Said...said some really nasty things. That he's had to struggle against dad's reputation ever since he started down there, that he has no ambition. He says that it's dad's fault that we don't have a lot of money."

"No!" I gasped, sitting up, "He said that?"

"Yes," he said grimly, "Then the next day, he was gone. He's living in London apparently."

Frowning, I settled back against him. Never, in my life, did I think that Percy could be that disrespectful. To anyone, never mind his own father.

"Can we not talk about it again, though?" George asked, "Tell me about your trip to see your Grandmother. Did you tell her about what happened last year? Did you get me a present?"

"I got you another mug." I grinned, "But no, my mum said that we should keep it quiet that I know everything. Said it would give her a heart attack if we did."

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