The One with the Reception

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The celebrations carried way into the evening; speeches were made, the dinner was served and now, everyone was enjoying the music and the alcohol that was flowing to their heart's content. 

George and I were on the dance floor, swaying slightly to the slow song that was being played by the band. 

"They don't by the way." 

George tore his eyes away from Fleur and Bill with a smile on his face, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow, "What don't?" 

"Big noses," I mumbled, twirling under his arm when he raised it, "They don't run in my family. Well, at least I don't think they do." 

A smile tugged at his lips as he nodded, pulling me in close again, "Good to know. You've gotten better. Have you been practising without me?" 

"Maybe," I teased, inching up on my toes to kiss him. 

"I love you," he whispered when I pulled back slightly, "And I can't wait to do all of this with you." 

"Really?" I asked, "Even if our children have huge noses?" 

"You don't have a big nose!" he laughed, twirling me again, "But yes. Our kids could have the biggest noses on record and I'll still love them." 

"Right answer," I grinned, kissing him again until I felt the back of my dress being tugged, turning around to see Fred, "Yes." 

"None of that on the dance floor," he scolded, "Aunt Muriel is glaring at you. Now come on, come have a dance with me." 

"Yeah," Anna said eagerly, "George, you can show me your skills." 

"Guess we have no choice," George said quietly, "Though it wasn't as if we were in the middle of a dance, eh?" 

"You've been dancing with her all night."

"She's my girlfriend!" he exclaimed as Anna dragged him to the other side of the tent, making me laugh. 

"He'll kill you later." 


I was sat at a table with Ginny when both Hermione and Harry fell into the empty seats by us. 

"Goodness," Hermione panted, "I surely can't dance any more. Ron's gone to get us all drinks." 

Ginny and I shared a knowing smile before I turned to Harry - who was still disguised as Barney, "Are you okay?" 

He didn't answer but he did sit up straighter when the tent suddenly became rather dark as something large and silvery came streaking through the open top canopy of the tent, landing right in the centre of the dance floor. 

I quickly got up from my seat, grabbing my bag to make my way through the crowd to the front, only stopping when I came to stand beside Molly. 

It was a Patronus - a lynx to be exact. 

The mouth opened and the familiar voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke, 

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

I dug my wand from the bottom of the bag, turning to look back at the table to see that Harry and Hermione battling through the now fleeing guests and I met them halfway. 

"Amy!" Hermione cried, "Amy, have you seen Ron?" 

"No," I said quickly, digging around in my bag once more to find my half of the mirror that I had shoved in, "You need to get out here." 

"Not without Ron." 

"Take this," I handed the mirror to Harry, "I don't know if I'll be of any help. But if I do see something, you'll be the first to know."

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