The One where I Get Detention.

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The next morning at breakfast, things were going swimmingly until Hermione appeared, slamming another one of the twin's notices onto the table, making the glasses of orange juice and such shake. 

"I told you!" she yelled, making me wince and cover my ears. 

"Hermione, too loud." 

She ignored me, "I told you to stop testing your stupid products on the first years! Amy? You said you'd speak to them!" 

"I did not!" 

"You did!" 

I shook my head, "No, I didn't. Hermione, I told you, this is your battle." 

"I won't tell you again," she said to the two of them, who scoffed.

"What are you going to do?" George asked. 

"Yeah?" Fred snorted, "Gonna take points from us?" 

"Put us in detention?" 

The fifth-year stood up and straightened her robes, "No. But I will write to your mother." 

There were audible gasps from around the table as George narrowed his eyes, "You wouldn't." 

"Try me," she threatened, glancing at Ron, "Thanks for your help there." 

Everyone watched as she stormed from the hall and Fred turned to me, "You don't think she'll actually do it, do you?" 

"She might," I said through a mouthful of toast, "But then again, she could be bluffing." 

He looked at George, "We may have to rethink our testing area." 


"Hem, hem," 

Neville, who was in the middle of bringing a spoonful of cornflakes to his mouth, froze as Umbridge appeared behind Rom but he visibly relaxed when she focused her beady eyes on me. 

"Miss Silver, you didn't turn up for my lesson," she said, "Where, might I ask, did you wander off to?" 

"Oh," I shared a  panicked look with George, "I...I wasn't feeling very well Professor. I just went back to the common room." 

"Is that so?" she asked, "Then how, may I ask have I come to have knowledge that both you and Mr Weasley were spotted down in Hogsmeade?" 

"I...I..." I didn't have an answer for her. 

"Detention, I think Miss Silver." she hummed, "Yes. Tonight at seven. My classroom." 

She walked away before I could reply, my mouth falling open as I looked at George, "How come you didn't get punished? You were skiving too!" 

He shrugged, giving me an innocent smile before taking a sip of his coffee, "Maybe she likes me?" 

I waited until he had put the hot drink down on the table, giving him a harsh shove which made him fall off the bench, a yelp leaving his mouth as he landed on the floor.


I didn't have time to worry about my detention. Why would I? I've hung around with Fred and George for years so I've been in my fair share of them. 

Besides, how bad could it be? 

I had my own classes and such to focus on, including watching how proper teachers teach their students. 

Today, I was in Professor Flitwick's class and luckily for me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were in this class and when Flitwick told me to go see if anyone needed help, I quickly made my way over to the trio, taking a seat on the empty desk in front of Harry. 

"You needing help?" 

"No," Hermione said, not looking up from her books.

"Good," I muttered, moving from the desk into the chair, "Because I got detention. With Umbridge." 


That got Hermione's attention. 

"Oh yeah!" Ron said loudly, "I meant to tell you both." 

"Anyway," I mumbled, looking at the dark haired boy again, "I just need you to tell me what she's gonna make me do. Lines? Scrub her floor, what?" 

He shared an uneasy glance with his two friends which admittedly, made me a little anxious. 

"What?" I asked, "Harry, what? Oh god, is she going to make me go with Filch?" 

"Show her, Harry," Hermione instructed and the boy sighed before placing his hand on the table. 

"Merlin," I breathed, looking at the scar which was etched across the back of his hand, "What on earth is that?" 

"She's using a Black Quill," Harry said quietly, "She's gonna make you write lines and it's gonna do this to you." 

"Have you told anyone?" I gaped, "Dumbledore? McGonagall?" I lowered my voice, "Sirius?" 

"No," he shook his head, "And I'm not going to. They all have enough to be concerned about without me adding something to the mix." 

"But Harry, this is torture!" 

"I said no, Amy!" 

A few of his classmates looked our way but he ignored them and I stood up, "Fine. But if she is doing this and makes me do it tonight, you can guarantee that I'll be going to McGonagall first thing." 

"You do that," he muttered, signalling the end of our conversation and running a hand through my hair, I moved onto the next cluster of students, giving them a smile as I tried not to fret too much about tonight. 


Umbridge had left the hall a good thirty minutes before seven and I chewed my bottom lip as I realised that I would have to be leaving soon. 

George noticed my fretting and took my hand under the table, "Hey, are you worried about your detention?" 

"A little," I whispered, not wanting to let him know what Harry had told me. 

"Don't worry," he smiled, "It can't be any worse than the one we had with Snape, remember? Oh, or the one we had with Filch when he made us clean every trophy in the school with toothbrushes? Our knees were screwed for days after that!" 

A small smile tugged at my lips and I nodded, "Yeah, I remember." 

"George is right," Fred nodded, "You'll be fine. It'll be some filing or something stupid like that." 

George stood up and picked up my bag, "Come on, I'll walk you up." 

"No," I murmured, making him frown, "No, it's okay. Besides, if she sees you, she might make you come in and do one too. Do you want that?" 

"I suppose..." 

I gave him another weak smile before leaning up to kiss his cheek, "It's okay. I'll be fine walking on my own. Besides, don't you have first years to meet in the library?" 

"Oh yeah!" Fred yelled, also standing up, "Come on George!" 

After pressing a kiss to my lips, George grabbed a stack of bread for the soup and followed after him, giving me a wave over my his shoulder. 

Now, all I had to do was get through this hour with Umbridge and I could only hope, that it wasn't going to be as Harry said. 


just a short chapter

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