The One with Dinner at The Burrow.

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Molly told us to come to The Burrow for five thirty so naturally, George apparated us there at six. 

"She's going to kill us," I whispered as we made our way to the front door, "Even Fred was here before us!" 

"Love, relax," George snickered, "She'll be fine. They all will." 

"Finally!" Ron said loudly when we entered the house, "Mum, they're here! She wouldn't let us eat till you two got here. What were you even doing?" 

Fred was quick to cover his ears, "Don't! I don't want to know!" 

Everyone was here; Harry, Remus, Tonks and even Sirius was here! Well, almost everyone. Percy still hadn't made contact with his family but I wasn't about to be the one who brought him up. 

Molly came bustling through from the kitchen, a bright smile on her face as she took note of the fact that everyone was indeed here, "It doesn't matter that you're late, dearies. Come on, sit down. Ron, can you come and help me with the food?" 

Bill, who I sat beside, leant across to whisper in George's ear, "So what were you doing?" 

"We weren't doing anything," I hissed as Molly and Ron returned, "Will you please just drop it?" 

The two brothers shared a grin before George was looking at his mum, "What are we having? It smells brilliant." 

"A roast," his mum said quietly, "I just hope that the chicken is cooked. Oh, I'll get the drinks." 

"I'll get it, Dear," Arthur said, pushing himself up from the table, "Back in a mo." 

Molly reached over to grab my hand, "Oh, I'm just so thrilled that you're moving in with Geroge. You know, out of all my kids, I was worried that the two of them wouldn't be able to find anyone to put up with their antics. I just hope you can handle it in the long run." 

"She's stuck around this long," Fred murmured, helping himself to some mashed potatoes and I nodded, looking back at Molly.

"Yeah, I'm in this for the long haul." 

She let out a giddy noise of happiness, turning to Arthur who was now pouring some wine into the glasses on the table, "Now all we need to do is find someone for Fred." 

I looked at the older twin who was sat on my other side, "Are you sure that you and Angelina can't...?" 

He shook his head, "Nah. We're better off as friends, Silver. We just...I want something like you and Georgie, y'know?" 

"Okay," I said, patting his hand lightly, "Well, don't you worry, I am going to find you a lovely girl." 

The conversation flowed smoothly throughout the dinner and after we finished eating everyone moved to the small living room, where we did our best to fit everyone in. 

I was squished on the couch between Fred, Harry and Ginny but when I saw that George had managed to snag one of the single armchairs, I was quick to get up and cross the small space to join him; perching myself on the arm. 

"So," Arthur said, clapping his hands loudly, "Fred, George. Monday's the big day. Are you all set up?"

The twins looked at each other, Fred clearing his throat to answer, "Pretty much. Just need to finish stocking the last of the shelves and then that's it." 

"I have to say," Molly said as she started handing out tea, "Although this is not the way I saw you two making your way in the world," 

"Yes?" the two of them leaned forward, eager to hear whatever she was going to say. 

"The way you're handling all of this, it's very mature and I...I'm proud of you boys." 

George looked at me when she turned her back, one of the biggest smiles I'd ever seen on his face, "Hear that, Silver? She's proud of us," 

"I did," I nodded, sharing his excitement. I think that this was the first time, in a very long time, that she had said that to the two of them. I leant down to press my forehead against his, "And I'm proud of you too. Don't know if I've told you that." 

"Hmm," I let out a small gasp when he pulled me down onto his lap, "You might have said it once or twice." 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed a small kiss to his lips,  "Well, I am. Both of you." 

"Thank you!" Fred called, snapping my attention to him and it was then that I remembered we were in a room full of his family and I felt my face starting to go as red as their hair. 

"You two are just so cute," Molly gushed as I hid my face in George's neck, "Remember when we used to be like that, Arthur?" 

"Oh yes," her husband nodded, "Inseparable so we were." 

"Tell us about it," Ginny said quietly, resting her head on Fred's shoulder, "You've never told us anything about how you met or what you were both like before we came along."

The two parents shared a glance before looking back at all of us, seeing that everyone was starting to get comfortable. 

"Okay," Molly breathed, "Well, I was in my third year and..." 

George pulled me closer to him, running his hands through my hair as we listened and it was when they were telling us about their engagement, I felt my eyes slip shut. 

There was no place I'd rather be. 


At some point, Geroge woke me up. 

"Come on, Love. Let's get you home," he whispered, helping me stand up. 

We said goodnight to everyone and with a crack, we were back in the flat. 

"There we go," he mumbled as we took off our coats, "Excited? First night." 

I gave him a tired smile, "Of course." 

It was quiet as we both got ready for bed, me ducking into the bathroom to change before he came in to brush his teeth; the two of us sharing little glances at each other in the mirror and small smiles. 

George left me to take off my makeup and wash my face and by the time I had shut the bathroom light off, he was already settled in our bed. 

"Come on," he said, pulling the blankets back for me, laughing as I took a run before leaping onto the mattress beside him. 

I sighed happily as he threw the covers over me again, quickly shuffling myself closer to his warm body as he lay down beside me. 

"I think this is the best part about moving in with you," he whispered, throwing his arm around my waist, "Getting to sleep next to you every night." 

"You're such a sap." I giggled, tucking my arm underneath the pillow. 

"You love it." 

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