The One where It's My Birthday.

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It was quiet. Too quiet. 

If there's one thing I've learned about living with the Weasley twins it's that if you wake up to silence, something was up. 

"Oh Merlin," I breathed, getting up to pull one of George's jumpers over my thin vest, "This isn't good."

Today is my birthday and so with that thought in my mind, I hesitantly made my way out of the bedroom and made for the living room. 

I soon found that the reason it was so quiet, was because George was the only one who was in the flat. 

He looked up when he heard me come in, a bright smile on his face as he put his paper down, "Happy birthday, love."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his torso, feeling his lips against my forehead as I sighed happily, "Thank you."

"Do you want some breakfast?" he asked, "You can have anything you want."


"Yep," he nodded, "Well, except me. I can see that look you're giving me but no. We have a lot to do today." 

"You're no fun," I pouted, "But fine. Will you make me pancakes?" 

"That I can do," he nodded, leaning over to kiss me, "Chocolate chip?"

"Please," I beam, "And thank you." 

"So," he began, getting the ingredients for my breakfast out, "Is there anything you want to do today?"

I started shaking my head but then suddenly remembered that every year, the week of my birthday, a fair would come to Hyde Park and my mum and dad always took me. 

"Can we go to Hyde Park?" I asked, "There's this fair that comes and it has all these cool rides and stuff." 

"If that's where you wanna go," he agreed, "I'll need to stop and get some Muggle money."

"That's okay. I've got some."

He looked sceptical, "You've got some?"

"I do," I grinned, "I felt always got some in my purse. Never know when we're gonna need it. I'm gonna go have a shower."

"These will be ready for you when you get out," he called as I left the room.


"Two please," George nodded to the attendant on the gate to the fair as he pulled the money from his pocket and upon hearing our total, he stared down at the coins and notes in his hand. 

"Give me a second," he murmured, inspecting a ten pence intently, "Is this a five?" 

I gave the man on the gate a sweet smile, "He's not from around here." 

"I can tell." 

"Is this fifty?" George asked, holding up the correct coin. 

"Yeah," I nodded, "That should be enough." 

"Here you go!" he said, proudly handing over the change and the five-pound note that he had in his hand. 

"Enjoy your visit," the man droned and let us in. 

"I don't think he liked me," George murmured as we squeezed through the barrier and I giggled while wrapping my arm around his. 

"I don't think he likes anyone." 

We spent a good part of the day just walking around until we came to one of those games where you have to knock three coconuts off of their stands and he was quick to pull me to a halt.

After watching someone attempt it for a couple of minutes, he smiled and looked down at me, "I could do that."

"If you want to try, you can." I shrugged, which he immediately did, giving the man a couple of pounds so he could have six bean bags to throw. 

"I've got this, Love," he said cockily, "Just watch." 

I rolled my eyes and leant against the stall. I knew he'd be able to do it. There wasn't much that George Weasley couldn't do. 

So when he knocked all three off on his first shots, I clapped loudly and he grinned. 

"What prize do you want?" the girl behind the stall asked, "You can have any of the ones on the top shelf. Since you did it so quick."

"On you go," he nodded, looking at me, "You pick."

"What? No, you won it." I shook my head. 

"Amy, I'm gonna give it to you anyway. So please, just pick something."

"Fine," I laughed, "Can I have the big dog, please? The black one."

She nodded and while she got it down with a hook, I wrapped my arms around George's torso, "Thank you."

"What do you want to do next?" he asked, smiling when he was handed the stuffed animal, "Want to go on a ride?"

"I do. Can we go on the Ferris wheel?" 

"It's your day," he agreed, "We can do whatever you want to do." 

So, I practically dragged him over to the line, bouncing up and down excitedly whenever we moved forward, "This is my mum's favourite ride."

"Yeah? Not yours?" 

"Nah," I mumbled, "I'm more of a swing ride person myself."

"Well, we could go on that one next." 

The two of us were next in line and the attendant held the carriage door open for us and George helped me up before climbing in behind me. 

We both sat down on the one side, placing my stuffed animal on the other and the attendant closed and locked the door behind us and George was quick to wrap his arm around me. 

The cart lurched forward, then began to move and I eagerly looked to my left to look out over the views of London, "It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" 

"It is," he agreed, "But you're even more beautiful."  

I snorted, looking at him to see him looking at me, "Really?" 

"What?" he gaped, "I'm trying to compliment you!" 

"I know, but you go with the cheesiest line in the book?" I laughed, "Come on, Weasley. I know you can do better than that." 

He looked offended but then he saw the teasing smile on my face and leant in to kiss me softly, just as the ride came to a halt, with us at the summit, "I love you, Amy Silver. You're the best thing that's happened to me." 

I felt my face redden as I rest my forehead against his, "That's much better." 


We stayed in the fairground until late afternoon, when George suggested we go and visit my parents, which I thought was a good idea but when he apparated us outside The Burrow, I was confused.

"I...this isn't my parent's house." 

"I know that," he laughed, pulling me towards the door, "I just need to pick something up." 

"Oh," I murmured, "Okay. Is your mum in?" 

"Probably," he nods, opening the door for me, "After you." 

As soon as I set foot over the threshold, there was a cheer of Happy Birthday from our left and a couple of loud bangs and I let out a shriek and took a step back into George. 

What the hell? 

You & I (George Weasley)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin