The One with Confrontation.

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"George!" I yelled, leaving the bedroom in time to see the door to the flat slam shut behind him. 

Fred popped his head out from his room, "What's wrong with him?" 

I wordlessly handed him the letter, chewing nervously on my bottom lip. 

"Woah," Fred breathed. 

"Fred, he's really angry," I whispered, "Like, what if he does something he regrets?" 

"We won't let him," he shook his head, ducking back into the room to grab his shoes, "Come on, her and Anna are in the bakery, they're setting up for the reopening tomorrow."

The two of us ran down Diagon Alley, towards Breaker Bakery and Fred went in first. 

"Fred!" Anna said in relief from where she was staring into the kitchen with wide eyes, "Fred, what's going on?" 

I rushed by them to see that George was pointing his wand at Melanie, who was cowering in fear against the wall. 

"George," she said quietly, "George, what are you doing?" 

"Don't," he growled, ignoring me when I tugged on the back of his shirt, which he hadn't even bothered to button back up before tearing out of the flat, "Don't play stupid with me." 

"Fred," Anna whispered again, "What is going on?" 

"Do you want to tell her?" George asked, pressing the wand harder against her neck, "Or shall I?" When Melanie said nothing, he looked over his shoulder at her, "She's the one who's been messing with Amy's visions. She's been putting something in the cream."

Anna looked horrified, her eyes flitting between me and Melanie, "I-I...What?" 

"Tell her," George said, "Tell her what you did." 

Suddenly, the look of fear that was on Melanie's face disappeared, being replaced with what could only be described as a smug smirk and she looked at me, "Took you long enough. Was it even you who worked it out? Or someone else?"

"Dumbledore," I whispered and Fred came to stand in front of me, slightly blocking me from view. 

"Of course," she laughed bitterly, "That old fool. I was hoping that they'd kill him before he worked it out." 

"You're working for him?" Anna asked quietly, "You're working for Voldemort?" 

"The Dark Lord," she corrected, "Yes."

"Why go after Amy?" George asked and her eyes found mine again. 

"She's a Seer. She sees the Dark Lord's plans before even he himself does. Therefore, she's able to stop him. She's a threat."

"What have you been giving her?" Fred demanded to know, inching forward with his own wand raised and Anna was clutching the back of his jacket. 


"Tell us!" both twins growls and another smirk made its way onto Melanie's lips. 

"Y'know what? I don't think I will. Adios boys. Oh, and Amy? Next time I see you, I'll kill you. That's what the Dark Lord really wants." 

I felt a shudder run through me as both Fred and George lunged forward to grab her but at that exact same time, a loud crack filled the room and she was gone.

I sagged back against the counter, looking down at my shaking hands as Fred moved to see that Anna was okay and George came to stand in front of me, "You okay?" 

I shook my head, letting him take my hands, "Of course I'm not Geroge! You heard her, he wants me dead." 

"Hey," he said sternly, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles, "That's not going to happen. Okay? We have to go after her."

"And how are we going to do that?" I demand, "George, she could be anywhere right now!" 

"Then we need to get the Order together and tell them what's happened," Fred said from beside us and I saw Anna was standing behind him with mascara stained cheeks and when she saw me looking at her, her bottom lip trembled. 

"Amy, I didn't know. I swear, I-"

I quickly crossed the small space between us and wrapped my arms around her. "I know," I whispered, "None of us did. She had us all fooled."

"I'm so sorry," she hiccuped and I let Fred take over in attempting to comfort her, watching with a small smile on my face as he wrapped her up in his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

I looked at Geroge, "I'll send an owl out and get everyone together."

"We need to try and find what she was putting in the cream," Anna said from where she was still being held by Fred.

"It could be this," George mumbled, holding up a small vial, which he took a sniff of, "I can't smell anything but Moody might be able to tell us what's in it." 


We all sat in Grimmauld Place; George was sat beside me. What had happened earlier had really shaken him up and he hadn't left my side since.

"First thing is first," Molly said as she came in carrying a tray with a pot of tea and biscuits on it, numerous mugs levitating behind her, "Amy, dear. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, Molly." I nodded, taking one of the teas out of the air and with a wave of her wand, the pot began filling it for me, "I'm just...she was with us for months. I was eating those things for months. George, she was in our flat..." 

"Don't think about that now," he soothed, taking my hand again, "Dad and Lupin are there checking it over for anything she could have done." 

Anna was sat on the opposite couch with Fred, looking completely and utterly devastated, "I feel like this is all my fault. I brought her into your lives." 

"Anna," I sighed, "I've told you this, please don't blame yourself. There was no way you could have known." 

"Doesn't make me feel any less guilty," she admitted, leaning into Fred when he wrapped his arm around her. 

"Well," Molly said, waving her wand to make the plate of biscuits float over to the coffee table, "Moody has taken the vial George found to Horace." 

"Professor Slughorn?" Fred asked, "You think he'll know what it's been?" 

"He's the expert on potions," I mumbled, "Surely he'll know." 

We all descended into silence, listening to the sound of passing cars on the busy London street outside and we stayed that way until there was a crack and Moody came through from the kitchen, holding the vial. 

"Well?" George asked eagerly, "Could he tell you?"

"Of course he could," he growled, "It seems that Miss Silver has been given an Elixir of Restriction. According to Horace, it can be very powerful - even with the smallest of doses."

"The cakes started tasting different as soon as she started working in the bakery," Fred said, shaking his head, "How the hell could we not have noticed?" 

"Don't beat yourself up," Anna soothed, rubbing his arm, "I hired her."

"Well, it's not going to be happening anymore," I said, looking at Moody with hopeful eyes, "I mean, I'm not going to be having any more of the elixir. Did he say if my visions will come back?"

"He says they will," he nodded and I felt George take my hand, "But since we don't know how much she's been giving you, we don't know exactly how long that can take." 

"But they will come back?" George asked again, "He knows that for sure?"

"They will come back."

Well, at least that was something.

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