The One with the Kitten.

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I was happily on Geroge's back as we made our way to the castle again. 

Before you ask, yes, we had our alone time and George was particularly happy about the fact. 

It was when Lee and Fred were talking about pranking some of the Slytherin spectators at the upcoming Quidditch game that I heard it. 

It was quiet but from somewhere over the wall beside the pathway, we, well I, could hear a high pitched squeaking. 

"Hey," I pat George's shoulder, "Hang on again." 

"What?" he asked, letting me slide off his back and he watched me walk towards the wall, "What is it?" 

"I don't know. It sounds like a mouse or something," I murmured, "Hey, you don't think Pettigrew's back, do you?"

"That's not funny, Amy." 

"I know, sorry," I said and they didn't stop me as I hopped over the wall, following the small sounds until I came to a tangle of bushes, bending down to push some of the branches aside.

"Oh!" I gasped, being met with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen on an animal. Hiding underneath, there was a tiny Ragdoll kitten. "Hi," I whispered, cradling the small animal in my hands as I stood up. 

"Amy?" Lee called, "C'mon, Silver! Don't leave us in the lurch!" 

I turned around to reveal the small animal to them with a wide smile on my face, "It's a kitten!" 

Never, in all my years of knowing them, had I seen them rush to my side as quick as they did right there and then. 

"Aww, well aren't you just the cutest little thing?" George asked in a high pitched voice as he took it from me, looking at us when he felt our eyes on him, "What? He is cute!" 

"He?" I asked, scratching under the cat's chin, "How do you know it's a boy?" 

Fred, watching the small fluff ball climbed up his brother's jumper to sit on his shoulder, shook his head, "We're not having this conversation now. People are starting to stare so let's go." 

"We'll take him up to the castle," George grinned.

"Again with the him," I whispered. 

"How are you going to get him into the castle?" Lee asked, "Can't exactly just waltz in with him, can we?" 

"That's exactly what we're going to do," I mumbled, climbing back over the wall to get to the path, "No one's going to stop me taking this cutie in."

"We agree," the twins nodded. 

"We can pop him in here," I mumbled, gesturing to the large pocket that was on the front of my hoodie, "Just when we get to the castle though," I glanced up at the kitten to see him still sitting on George's shoulder, which made me smile, "He's quite happy up there." 


Like I thought, no one stopped up on our way back into the school and while Lee and I took the kitten up to the common room, Fred and George disappeared to the kitchens to try and find something for him to eat.

"Amy, Lee," Angelina called from the top of the stairs, "Where's George?" 

"He's just gone to grab something for me," I replied, "Should be back in a bit, how come?" 

"Is Fred with him? No, wait, that's a stupid question. Of course he is. Will you tell them to get down to the pitch as soon ASAP? We're behind on practices."

"Behind?" I asked, "Angelina, how is that even possible? You've got the team out there four nights a week!" 

"And Ravenclaw are out five nights a week!" she hissed, "Roger's working them to the bone!" 

"Woah," I held my hands up as she came down the steps, "Okay, jeez!" 

She sighed and fell down onto the seat beside me, eyebrows raising, "Is that a cat?" 

"Yeah," I said eagerly, "We found him in Hogsmeade." 

She reached out and scratched him under the chin, "He's cute. Listen, tell them, yeah?"

"I will," I promised as she darted out of the common room to find the rest of the team. 

"The two of them are going to kill her," Lee mumbled, making me laugh just as the portrait opened again. 

"We come with meat!" Fred grinned, holding a plate above his head. 

"Yay!" I cheered, watching him place the small dish down on the table, which the kitten started wolfing down.

"Did you see Angelina on your way up?" I asked as they sat down on either side of me. 

"No," George shook his head, letting out a groan, "She's not making us practice tonight, is she?" 

"Sadly," I mumbled, "She is. Apparently, Roger Davies has Ravenclaw out five days a week." 

We all fell silent, watching the kitten eat until Lee spoke up. 

"Don't you think it's weird that in less than a year, we'll be leaving this place?" 

"I know," I agreed, toying with the string on my hoodie, "It's going to be strange not waking up here every day. Just think, we have to be adults." 

The four of us shuddered at the thought and I took a good look around the circular room that I had called my home for the past seven years, my eyes landing on one of the large wooden desks that were by the window. 

"I have an idea," I said, reaching for my bag which was on the floor and after digging around for a bit, I found my quill and got up.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked, the three of them watching me. 

"I'm going to leave my mark." 

George grinned and leapt over the back of the couch, laying down on the floor beside me and I shimmied my way under the desk and raised my arm and soon, the only sounds that could be heard was the fire crackling and the tip of my quill scratching against the wood. 

Lee and Fred joined us on the floor, each of them taking turns in peeking at what I was doing until finally, I was done. 





"There," I hummed, turning my head to look at George, "Now we'll always be here."

"Until they replace that desk." 



sorry for the lack of updates recently, my laptop is away for repairs and my phone data is shite. but it should be back soon and then i'll be back!

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