"Why should a care about such useless things?!" Speka shot back. I can see the water building up in her lifeless purple eyes. "She only cared about you and our traditional family magic! I was never good at using that form of magic, but she forced me to learn it anyways! As my mother I thought she would be happy if she saw me mastering something I'm good at, but I guess I was wrong."

        "You knew Dark Magic was forbidden!"

        "No one said it was! It was only forbidden in the stupid family."

        My jaw drops as Aisha swings her hand across Speka's face. Elsword sprang up from his seat, as if he's getting ready to interfere.

        "How dare you say such fowl words towards my family." Aisha tightens her fists - tears began to escape from her eyes. "I can't believe it, Speka. Of all the people who would betray us it's you my own little sister."

        Speka rolls her eyes - trying to keep her tough act on," so now you think of me as your sister?!" She snorts. "You were right, Aisha, I'm not a part of your  weak family. I never was a part of it. In fact I should've never been born!"

        Aisha seems taken aback by her response," Speka, you would've been a part of it if you--"

        "Enough!" I can see a faint purple aura surrounding Speka. "Mother always favored you, everyone said I didn't act like her daughter. They wouldn't have known I was part of the family if I didn't look like you. When I left the family I thought it would've been hard to leave everyone behind, but I was wrong. How can I be sad about leaving my family when I was never a part of it?"

        "Speka." Aisha clenches her jaw. "I have no words left for you." With that Aisha springs out of her chair and runs out the house. Elsword hurriedly follows after her.

        I exchange nervous glances with Raven and Eve, we grew more tense as Speka covers her face in her hands - crying quietly to herself. I can hear Buch turning off the stove from behind, he gently makes his way towards the crying mage. We watch in utter silence as Buch sits himself beside Speka; no one dared to make a sound. 

        "I will make some dinner for everyone later." He says in a whisper. "For now could you all please step outside?"

        "Understood." Eve helps herself up. "Let us go now."

        We do as the Queen says without another word - although I would like to stay a bit long to hear more about Speka's side of the story. On the way out I strain my ears to listen to Buch and Speka's quiet conversation; I'm sure the others are doing the same thing. 

        "You can kick me out." Speka says in a soft whisper. "I would've done the same if I were you."

        "Nonsense, why would I ever do such a thing?" Buch responds gently - probably with a warm smile. "I cannot kick out my guest. After all, it would be such a cold thing to do to someone who has been alone for so long."


        Elsword and Aisha were no where to be found when we got out -- I would be lying if I said that didn't bother me. We knew better than to bother them so we decided to stick around Buch's place, but no one talked while we were waiting to be let back in. 

        Buch talked with Speka for a long time, we eventually went from pacing around  his house to sitting together in tight circle on the ground - it does get a bit chilly during the night. At some point Elsword returned with Aisha, we didn't say much to them as they joined in with us. Raven was the first to fire up a light conversation, thanks to him we were able to talk and joke around with each other again. Aisha seemed much more relaxed as the conversation grew louder.

         I just hope the neighbors won't mind the noise. 

        "I hope we return home in time for that festival in Elder!" Elsword suggests with a toothy smile. "It's been so long since we had cotton candy!"

        "Cotton candy challenge?" I question. "What in the world is that?"

        "It's a stupid challenge our team does every year for the festival." Aisha began explaining. "Basically we buy a whole bunch of cotton candy and see who can eat the most. Winner gets to enjoy all the festival goodies without having to pay, and of course they get bragging rights."

        I did not know humans consumed cotton. It must be a pain to digest such a thing.

        "Raven here has been the champion of this challenge for three years!" Aisha nudges him with a wink. "We have a new member this year so let's see if you can keep your title."

        "I'll defeat all that challenges me." He cracks his knuckle; smiling proudly at his winning streak.

        "You take friendly competition way too seriously." Aisha teases.

        "Elsword here always gets sick from the challenge." Raven adds on with a smirk. "Last year he was too stubborn to give up and puked all over--"

        "Aisha's dress!" Eve abruptly cuts him off. She sends a small glare towards Raven, he nervously glances between Eve and Chung.

        "Y-yeah," Aisha pipes in. "Do you know how expensive that dress was?!" She smacks Elsword's head. "I-I was so mad at you that day!"

        "It wasn't my fault that you were standing there!" He snaps back. "Y-you spent too much money on that thing anyways."

        Chung punches him roughly on the arm," she liked that dress and it took a long time for her to save up all that money." Chung seems very agitated at Elsword's remark. Which makes me wonder if he once looked at Aisha in a special way - she sure is popular.

        I perk my head up at the sound of the door creaking open. Buch pokes his head out," sorry for taking so long, kids." He catches everyone else's attention. "Come back inside I will prepare something warm for everyone to eat, but please be quiet Speka has just went to bed."

        "Finally I'm starving over here!" Elsword exclaims loudly while rubbing his stomach. We laugh at his remark as we help ourselves up - even Buch seems amused by his response.

        "There is also much to be discussed." Buch adds on as we're making our way inside. "After we finish our warm meal I must address the information passed down from Speka."

        Aisha aburptly stops; looking back she asks," what did she tell you?"

        Buch's eyes soften," Speka has shared valuable information about your grandfather's mission here. She allowed me to share it with your team in hopes of tracking him down."


Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now