【42】The Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

She seemed just as shocked as I was, eyeing me from head to toe just like I did with her. I was so absorbed by her, it took me a moment to see and hear the activity behind her. Other people were here. At least five of them, and kids. There were kids in Lex's place.

He suddenly appeared in my field of view, and the panicked, apologetic look he sent me was anything but reassuring. Who were those people?

While Lex was making his way toward me, a familiar woman joined the blonde one, opening the door wider.

"Hey, Andy. Long time no see," Lucy greeted me. Turning to the unknown woman, she introduced us. "Juliet, this is Andrea, the woman I told you about." The name was familiar, and I remembered she was Lex's sister too.

Suddenly, it struck me.

Holy fuck... The whole family was here.

Pure dread flooded me. The perspective of meeting all those people was absolutely awful. I was about to meet Lex's family, and I couldn't have been more unprepared.

I wasn't wearing panties.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Juliet declared, presenting her hand to salute me. Lucy took the bag of groceries from me so I'd be free to react, and I let her, frozen.

My body acted on instinct, shaking her hand distractedly. My mouth opened and closed, too stunned and mortified to say anything. Lex had reached us, and his sisters made way for him, heading back into the apartment.

Pulling the door behind him, keeping it slightly open, he isolated us in the hallway.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, one of his large hands squeezing my arm gently. "They wanted to surprise me, and they arrived barely ten minutes ago. I wanted to call you to warn you, but I couldn't get a single second to myself."

"Well, you really, really should have, Lex. I'm not ready for this. I didn't think I would have to meet them all at once like this. For God's sake, I'm not even wearing underwear!"

For a split second, a flame danced in his eyes, appreciating the thought of me not wearing anything under my dress. Then, his jaw clenched, his eyes darkened, his expression getting somber. "I'm so fucking sorry. They know I hate surprises, yet they still did this to me. If you want to go I understand."

"I can't leave now. It would be weird. Fuck, I just wish you'd told me, so I could have at least put panties on." Or turn around and run for the hills.

I moaned with a wince, stuck in an impasse. Fuck, I didn't want to do this under those conditions, but I really didn't have a choice.

Lex offered me a kiss on top of my head as an encouragement. "You look stunning, by the way."

"Right, I'm not sure my dress will be to everyone's tastes."

"If anyone says something about it. I'm throwing the lot out."

Knowing he had my back made me feel slightly better, but it still wasn't enough to give me the confidence I needed to face the people in there. Knowing the longer I waited, the weirder it would be, I gave Lex a single nod, as willing to go inside as a lamb to the slaughterhouse.

With his hand on my lower back, he opened the door again, gently pushing me in. I settled Lex's gift by the entrance against the wall, and he helped me take my coat off. My scarf was thick wool, and I regretted not choosing a silky one I could have kept on. When I took the garment off, Lex's gaze dropped to the cleavage, appreciation lighting his eyes before he took the scarf to hang it next to my coat and bag. I'd thought myself to be sexy earlier, but I now felt like a hooker.

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