37 / Their Corrupted Ways

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Baekhyun hissed and covered his ears. A small piercing noise had run in and out for half an hour, slowly giving more and more pain. He, Ten and Kai decided to split up and concentrate on looking for the Oracles. There wasn't any time to spare for distractions.

Baekhyun's footsteps echoed down the dark, empty corridor on the fifty-second floor of the large building they were in. He hadn't gone near any of the stretchers Kai had described, but he could smell it.

The stench of blood and death attached itself to him, weighing his shoulders down as he tried to run from it. It pulled out buried memories of his past, interfering with his concentration and his emotions. 

The lights above him turned off, followed by the rest of the lights on the floor. Baekhyun leaned against the wall to allow his eyes to adjust. The moonlight made a great contribution to giving Baekhyun a source of light. All he had to do was harness that energy and make a light of his own. He couldn't interfere with the moon. It would affect the whole world. He didn't need direct light, but it was easier and took up less energy.

He held out his left hand and slowly bent his fingers to imitate the action of holding a ball the size of his palm. A painful spark sank deep into the centre of his palm and spread around his hand. Small rays of light spread out above his palm, giving his skin a light blue colour. It wasn't enough though.

Baekhyun forced his fingers to bend more, making sure his proximal phalanges did not move. The rays stretched and pulled before enlarging into a...holographic sphere?

The superhuman blankly stared at the ball. It was made of pure light but it wasn't what he normally created. That wasn't the first unusual thing he had noticed. As he brushed his fingers against the lights, none of them had flickered or reacted to his touch. It was as if his power had just gone and left him with a substitute.

The holographic ball enlarged out of his control until it was as large as his torso. It removed itself from its comfortable home and stood suspended in the air. Parts of the ball grew darker in colour and moved around, forming a grainy image.

There was a door marked 'INACCESSIBLE' with a fairly large glass screen next to it. The door was made of wood and could only slide open, judging by the fact that there was no handle. Baekhyun reached out to the ball and moved it to the left to shift his concentration to the screen. Following his hand, the image in the holographic ball shifted, giving him a view of the other side of the area. A narrow path lead to a dead end, which was occupied by golden elevators.

Baekhyun quickly put his hands behind his back and furrowed his brows in thought. This ball - or whatever it was - responded to his commands by sensing his movements. If he moved his hand to the left, the image would turn to the left. If he was to move his hand up, the image would follow. It was like a 360 degree camera. The only concerning thing about that was the unknown provider. Who's eyes was he looking through?

He quickly shook off the thought and combed back his pink hair. With a bit of confidence from his newly obtained knowledge, he put out his hand and bent his fingers so that they faced the floor. He then raised them then brought them back down and raised them again, commanding the image to move forward. The ball complied and moved forward, showing the elevators in more detail. That place was on the seventy-eighth floor. Right above the floor Kai had teleported to. 

The lights flickered on as soon as the holographic ball faded into small flakes of light, leaving Baekhyun to the slight darkness. He could just go up via elevator and get to the spot in less than five minutes, but there were high possibilities of him bumping into unwanted strangers. He had seen a flight of stairs near the elevators. They did not look as luxurious as the rest of the building, but it was still usable.

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