21 / Artificial

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Mark and Taeyong were frozen; shocked to see their ex-teammate still alive and well. Taeyong sped to the boy and crushed him in his arms.

"Jisung! Thank goodness you're alright!" Jisung wheezed as he felt Taeyong's grip tighten, along with his insides touching. He rapidly hit the super's back, beginning to see stars.

"Jisung!" A voice yelled from the kitchen. A blonde man with blue highlights walked out the kitchen with a cup of black coffee in his hand. "When they get back, you're gonna tell them to get more coffee- oh hey, guys."


"Did you finish my coffee?!" Taeyong let go of Jisung and hit Jaemin upside the head.

"Did you at least make me a cup before you finished it?" The third voice came from the couch. Johnny looked over his shoulder and waved. "Welcome back to the US, you two."

Baekhyun walked into the kitchen and looked down the corridor to the bedrooms. He bent under the tables and chairs and looked up to the ceiling.

"Baekhyun, what are you doing?" Taeyong asked, still dazed.

"I'm checking if there's more people who want to give me a heart attack." The pink haired man replied. He opened the door and peeked his head out.

"There's no one else, cotton candy." Johnny laughed. Baekhyun closed the door and continued unpacking the groceries. The door clicked shut, reminding Taeyong of a certain thought that remained ignored since their arrival. How did Jisung, Jaemin and Johnny get in their apartment?

"How did you get in our apartment?" Taeyong interrogated. Jisung removed himself from the conversation between himself, Mark and Johnny. One of his arms began to rapidly shake as he got close to Taeyong.

The eyes of the supers widened as they watched Jisung push his hand through Taeyong's body until his wrist could be seen from his back.

"Try not to move too much." Jisung said, brows furrowed. "If I lose concentration, I could kill you."

This made things far worse for the purple haired man. He had not mastered the ability to have a clone take his place in situations like these. They could only appear a few steps away from the place of assault.

Taeyong's breath hitched as Jisung slowly removed his arm from his stomach. When his fingertips were no longer in his body, Taeyong dropped to his knees, panting loudly. Jisung quickly sat himself down on the couch, looking lightheaded.

"What the hell was that?" Baekhyun yelled. He picked up Jisung's hand and tried to put it through his body.

"Jisung's agility enhanced to unmatchable speeds." Johnny explained, handing Jisung a chocolate bar. The younger gratefully took the snack and gulped it down.

"I-" Mark blinked in confusion. "I still don't understand why you're here."

With a short glance shared between each other, Johnny and Jaemin turned to Jisung. "He begged us to stay and wait for you."

Mark distanced himself from the others to gather his thoughts. Why would Jisung want to see the people who allegedly tried to poison him? He didn't seem to know of Naomi or the other supers or he would have spoken of them already.

Another important thing he wanted to know was how Jisung got his powers. The phoenix storm had not gotten to anyone ever since they had been redeemed. Mark scrolled through his contact list and called the person he was looking for.


"Do you think artificial phoenix storms exist?"

"Why do you want to know this?"

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