10 / Voices

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"My name is Kim Namjoon, and I am here to-"

"Investigate this case." Mark cut him off. "Yeah, I know." Namjoon fell silent, taken aback by the quick response but continued.

"As you know, you are one of the survivors of a major incident. What we are trying to understand is whether you remember what you experienced or not." Mark sighed and looked out the window.

He was in a place he did not recognise. There were signs and boards with words that had characters which were foreign to him, but he could understand what they meant as if it were his mother tongue.

Occasionally, some doctors came in to check on his vitals. They only asked questions regarding his well being. Every so often, a therapist came to see him. Her visits were short but he savoured every second of it. She was one of the only people who took time to have genuine conversations with him. That was her job, after all.

"Mark!" Namjoon snapped Mark out of his nostalgic trance. His smile immediately faded along with the glint in his eyes.

"Sorry." He looked down.

'This kid is just like the other ones.' Mark heard Namjoon mutter. His brows furrowed and he looked up.

"Who are you calling a kid?"

"Pardon?" Namjoon asked, flabbergasted by the outburst.

"You called me a kid." Mark accused. "I'm twenty years old."

'Doesn't sound like it.'

"Are you trying to imply that I sound like a teenager?" Mark crossed his arms and glared at Namjoon. The detective's brows furrowed as he struggled to comprehend the situation at hand.


"Detective Kim, time's up." The therapist walked into the room, interrupting the interrogation.

"But I haven't-"

"Please leave or I'll call security to remove you from my patient's room." Namjoon sighed and left the room. He looked over his shoulder to give Mark a suspicious glance before she slid the wooden door shut. The therapist leaned on the door and pushed back her golden rimmed glasses.

She sat down on the same armchair she sat on when they had their sessions. She clicked her pen and wrote away on her clipboard.

"Amira," Mark began, drumming his fingers against his thigh. "I read Detective Kim's mind."

Amira stopped writing on her clipboard for a moment then continued. Her eyes flashed light blue through the lenses of her glasses; going unnoticed. She clicked her pen continuously as if she was waiting for something to happen.

The clicking stopped and a hooded woman emerged through white smoke. Mark yelped and fell off his bed, dragging the blanket with him to the floor. The woman helped Mark up and began to fold the blanket.

"He's ready?" She asked, straightening out the creases. Mark watched her fold the soft blanket in fear.

"He said he read the detective's mind." The woman hummed and placed the blanket at the foot of the bed. She pushed away her braids from her face and leaned into Mark's face. Her eyes flashed gold.

Mark gasped as he felt sparks flash through his eyes into his mind, opening the doors to a foreign place. Different sounds went in and out of his ear, ranging from the softest of whispers to loudest of screams. Bright colours blinded him, giving him the feeling of his head being split in half.

Overwhelmed by this, Mark squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears. A tear fell to his cheek. The noise, blinding lights and pain subsided and he felt a soft hand caress his cheek.

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