26 / Prisoners' Survival 101

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Her eyes slowly peeled open to see nothing but darkness.

Yuqi pushed herself into a sitting position and allowed her eyes to quickly adjust to the darkness. Her body immediately tensed as the sound of rustling caught her ear. She could vaguely see the silhouette of someone from the corner of her eye.

Placing one hand on her forehead and grimacing - to put on a convincing act - Yuqi reached for a dagger hidden within the straps wrapped around her thigh, only to find nothing. She felt around for her weapon; anxiety built up inside of her as she searched everywhere.

"Looking for this?" Yuqi slowly turned her head and saw Kai holding her dagger; the moonlight glistened against the silver of the blade.

"You aren't allowed in my room." Yuqi growled, snatching the blade from his hand. "Get out."

"It's not like I want to be here." Kai shrugged. She could barely see him roll his eyes. "I was told to stay just so there'd be someone to hold you down if you went on another rampage."

The realisation soon dawned upon her. The memory of Yuqi attacking the team had resurfaced, suffocating her in a cloud of embarrassment. Yuqi looked into Kai's eyes, savouring all the time she could possibly grab.

Kai's eyes were slightly drooped and darkened by the heavy bags below his eyelids. His clothes were wrinkled and fell below his shoulders, making them look as if he had not changed attire in days.

His depressive stage had put him in a state where he felt cold and empty. Yuqi could understand that without struggle. When a superhuman had a strong bond with another, they basically cannot live without each other. It was as if they were bound to each other by blood; like they were siblings or even twins.

Yuqi did not know much about Mark, but she could tell that he and Kai were the best of friends.

"You look terrible." Yuqi said under breath. Unfortunately, Kai heard each word clearly.

"Do I look that bad?" He pouted, ironing out the wrinkles on his clothes with his hands. A loud grumble echoed around the dark room, making him instinctively put his hands on his stomach.

"When was the last time you ate?" Yuqi asked, pushing the covers off her legs. She rolled off her bed and shuffled to the cupboard which held the clothes that Baekhyun had kindly bought for her.

"A proper meal, I mean."

"Two days ago?"

"That explains it." Yuqi mumbled and threw a large cardigan over her shoulders. "No wonder you look worse than you should."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kai huffed. Yuqi yanked the door open and pointed to the corridor.

"I'll explain later." With a strong grip around his wrist, Yuqi pulled Kai off the chair and dragged him out the room. "Let's get you some food."


"Do you even know what you're looking for?" Kai sat himself down on a stool and watched Yuqi walk in and out of pantries, carrying food in her arms. She opened the fridge and took out what she said looked edible.

"Prisoners' Survival 101." Yuqi said, dumping the food on the counter. "Lesson 6. What Looks Edible Can Become A Meal."

She separated the food and placed them in groups, being meat, vegetables, bread, dairy, spices and the list went on. She pulled out a large, sharp knife and cleaned it.

"You need one hell of a sharp knife in order to get a clean cut." Yuqi said, as she wiped the blade with a towel. She raised it to the the ceiling light. "If the tip cuts through your skin without struggle, it's perfectly sharp."

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