12 / More of Us

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"Who's this?" Lucas asked Baekhyun, glaring at Yoongi.

"I don't know who he is." He whispered. They, along with Naomi sat in the same booth at Starbucks, waiting for their orders to arrive. The atmosphere was thick between Lucas and Yoongi but Naomi and Baekhyun lightly conversed as if the other two were not there.

Baekhyun occasionally diverted his attention to Lucas, reason mostly being to get him off of his phone. At some point he threatened to throw the - and I quote - 'digital brick' out the window, which ended in both Yoongi and Lucas throwing insults at Baekhyun.

By the time they had gotten their food, Baekhyun had sunk himself into a corner and did not want to speak to anyone or eat anything until he received an apology.

"They aren't going to apologise. Eat." Naomi advised. She cut out a piece of his muffin and waved it around his face, triggering his stomach to growl.

"You're not getting anything from us, grandpa." Lucas laughed and received a fist bump from Yoongi. Baekhyun opened his mouth to retort and Naomi took the opportunity to shove the muffin into his mouth, which was successful. 

Yoongi watched Lucas play with the ring on his finger. With his sharp eye, he realised that the ring was more than just an accessory. His eyes scanned Lucas' body in search for more. There was not much, but he had enough information to prove that his theory was correct.

"Time to play." Naomi stopped force feeding Baekhyun for a short moment, then continued.

"Why now?"

Yoongi watched her shove a forkful of muffin down Baekhyun's throat and push the cup of iced coffee to his lips. It was quite amusing.

"They're aware of their abilities."

"How are you so sure that they know they have powers?"

"Suppressors." Naomi dropped the fork and scanned Baekhyun's body for any accessory. Yoongi was correct. Baekhyun's earrings and rings were power suppressors.

"Do it."  With a small satisfactory smile, Yoongi returned his attention to Lucas.

"Where'd you get the ring?" He asked. Lucas' large hand subconsciously hid the suppressor and he looked away.

"It was," He paused in thought. "It was a gift from a friend." He sounded out each word and nodded as if confirming it.

"And the earrings?"

"Also a gift."

Yoongi sighed and pushed up his glasses, allowing the red pigment to expose themselves long enough for Lucas to notice. He removed a silver ring from his finger and placed it on the table. He stared at his black coffee and scratched the back of his ear; his earrings dangled and clinked against each other.

It took a while for Lucas to process what was going on. He looked at the cup of coffee and gasped. "The- the-"

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi put on a small act, enjoying every second of it. Although he was still in shock, Lucas soon caught on.

"You're wearing suppressors, aren't you?" This gained Baekhyun's attention. He removed himself from his corner silently watched the conversation.

"I'm glad you caught on." Naomi smiled. Her eyes flashed gold.

"How did you do that?" Lucas inquired and pointed at the cup of coffee. Steam emitted from the rim of the cup of the glass. There was nothing inside other than a black ball.

"Easily." Yoongi held the ball. He rubbed it between his fingers and more steam emitted. They heard a small crackle before the ball was set alight. Yoongi dropped the ball and poured the small jug of milk into the cup, extinguishing the fire immediately.

Naomi picked up the wet ball and enclosed it in her palm. Her eyes flashed gold and slowly opened her hand. The ball was gold and smooth. She tilted her hand, allowing the ball to drop onto the table. It bounced until it reached Lucas' hand.

He picked it up and tried to squeeze it between his fingers. "Solid gold." He confirmed and handed the ball to Baekhyun.

He also gave the ball a small squeeze then put it down. "I thought we were the only ones."

"There's more of us." Naomi said. "You just need to look."

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