20 / Save Yourself

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Footsteps echoed down the hall loudly, waking up the prisoners who were handcuffed to their beds. Twelve small white beds were placed parallel to each other; the spaces between each bed were fairly large.

The prisoners shivered, balling themselves up in order to stay warm. Suppressors were chained to their necks and wrists; the restraints gave them freedom to move, but not enough for them to break free.

One particular prisoner clawed her long, dirty nails through the skin of her hand, until crimson blood escaped. She guided her blood around her wrists until they were fully lubricated. Wiggling her hand in a continuous motion, she managed to pull each one out of their restraints.

Although it was not much, she felt a surge of power rush from her callused hands to her bare feet; sparks of electricity shot out of her fingertips. She dug her fingers into the small space between her skin and the choking suppressor.

Harnessing her energy, she squeezed the metallic choker until she heard a small crackle and pop. The suppressor immediately fell to her lap, setting her free. She hopped off the bed; body tensing up as her feet came in contact with the cold floor.

Her fellow prisoners watched as she limped to the bed in front of her. The inhabitant of that bed made no movement other than occasional shivers.

"Felix." She whispered, shaking the prisoner. "Felix. You up?"

"He passed out after the last injection." A white haired prisoner said; eyes droopy and lips in a firm straight line. "I saw him throw this."

He opened his balled fist, revealing an empty syringe with a bit of blue liquid dripping out the needle. He tossed it to the female prisoner. The syringe hit her thin black jacket and dropped into her hands.

She did not need to check the liquid inside for she already knew what it was. She threw it aside and continued shaking Felix's body. She received no response.

"Come on, Felix." She shook her hands and directed her power to two fingers. She raised her hand and jabbed her fingers into the blonde's neck. His eyes shot open and the rest of his body woke, slowly recognising his environment.

"What happened?" He croaked, pushing away the blonde locks that stuck to his forehead.

"You overdosed." The white haired man said, playing with the chains that connected his suppressors. "Taking those drugs won't do anything other than fuck up your mind, man."

"Hyunjin, give him a break." The female prisoner sighed, earning a shrug in response.

"Seulgi?" A young voice whispered. Seulgi turned around to find the youngest prisoner free from his shackles, nervously tapping his knuckles. Seulgi ran to him, removing her jacket. She threw it over his shoulders and checked his temperature.

"Are you okay?" He timidly nodded.

Loud voices could be heard from beyond the door; footsteps nearing them. Panic washed over Seulgi, overwhelming her and her powers. She paced around the room in attempt to cool down the heating stress that spread around her body.

"Why is he here?" Felix whispered, skin growing paler than it already was. "He's not supposed to be back for the next two weeks."

The youngest prisoner began to shake; rapidly. He walked to the door and pushed his head through. The dark corridors were empty but he could hear the voices and footsteps. They weren't far from their room.

"How will we escape?" Another prisoner panicked.

"Oh, I don't know," Hyunjin stroked his chin. "How about we walk out the front door?"

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