39 / Light in the Dark

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His eyes split open as a sharp jolt of pain sped around his body. He let out a small huff and pushed himself to his feet. He felt...lighter. He looked down and soon realised he wasn't wearing his suit. He was wearing the clothes his shadow clone had worn.

A small buzz whizzed around him from below. Baekhyun looked down to find a miniature tank spinning around him. It was battered and dysfunctional. Baekhyun frowned and picked up the machine, in the hopes of taking it out of its misery.

He looked around him and realised he was standing in the centre of a dark void. His body's natural radiation spread out for about two metres, being his only source of light. He took one step forward, leaving a trail behind him. A familiar bright light spread from his body as far as what he speculated to be ten metres.

As he moved, more battered machines revealed themselves, trying to function in the way they were designed to. The tank in his arms hummed in disappointment and a small ball protruded from its head. It looked like a small 360° camera.

Its tail poked Baekhyun's arm, asking to be put down. With a click of his tongue, the pink haired superhuman followed the machine's request and put it down.

It wove its way around the contraptions and stopped in the centre of the chaos. It turned around and the tips of its antennae flashed yellow. It made a discorded noise then continued moving. Baekhyun quickly followed, trying to avoid collision with the other drones and tanks. He hopped and ducked, occasionally tripping over his feet. He silently cursed himself, abruptly stopping in front of a shaky drone before walking around it.

The light that emitted from his body spread further, showing him a place he vaguely recognised. He heard the tank's hums come to a halt. He soon reached the tank to find it standing before a wooden door. The same door he had seen in the hologram. The tank's camera slowly turned left and, out of pure curiosity, Baekhyun did the same. And that's when he realised it.

That machine was the 'eyes' he had been looking through. That machine led him here. But why?

The tank's camera sank into its head and it sprang to life. Using the camera must have shut down its other functions in order to work with ease. It drove around Baekhyun for three cycles then stopped in front of the door. Baekhyun understood the message but something was stopping him from going in. Was it fear?

"Just go, you coward." A familiar, irritating voice sighed in his mind. That shadow clone was telling the truth.

Baekhyun deeply inhaled and held onto the sliding door. He quickly pushed it open and charged inside to be greeted by complete darkness. He balled his hands into fists and exhaled through his nose. Nothing happened. He snapped his fingers, clapped and vocally attempted to activate his powers.

Nothing happened.

"What?" He blindly raised his hands to his face. He could tell they were shaking. What was going on? Was he losing his powers too?

"No." A soft, male voice echoed around him. "Your powers are of no use here."

"What- how are you here?" Baekhyun called out. "I thought I was alone..."

"You are never alone." A woman spoke.

"What is happening to me?" Baekhyun whispered. A small spark crackled behind him, growing larger and louder until it was large enough to be a portal. Two people dressed in pure white clothing emerged from the doorway.

"Naomi? Suho?" They did not reply. "Wait. Suho, you're a superhuman?" The said man shook his head.

"I'm a spirit. I have taken the form of this 'Suho' man. He was in one of your most significant memories."

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