19 / Hot Chocolate

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"Where did you guys disappear to?" Ten asked Yoongi and Lucas; eyes locked on his phone.

"Rooftop bar." Lucas drawled.

"There's a rooftop bar?" Mark repeated, drawing his eyes away from the Thai man's phone. "Cool! Where?"

"Aren't you too young to drink?" Yoongi questioned.

"We're the same age." Lucas said and peered over Ten's shoulder, he had his brows furrowed and lips scrunched into a small pout.

The screen showed low quality footage of eight people running out of what looked like an asylum with their arms flailing in the air. Some of them had mutated body parts or extra limbs.

One escapee tripped and fell onto a rock, making a painful cracking sound. His limbs twitched, spilling countless amounts of blood. A loud, ear-piercing scream rang through the speaker and before they knew it, his body exploded; blood and organs flew everywhere.

A woman stopped running and turned to the camera. Her body radiated a blinding light and at an instant, the camera scrambled and shut down.

"That was disgusting." Lucas cringed.

"Oh come on, dude." Mark scoffed. "I know for a fact that you've watched anime with gore in it."

"Not to mention the methods you used in your gang days." Yoongi added. "You even seen some gore with your own eyes."

Ten replayed the video, zooming on the place where the escapees ran from. He repeated the clip again,

And again,

And again,

And again.

"Stop watching that." Lucas snatched the phone out of Ten's hands and shoved it into the pocket of his sweatpants.

"Let's go." Yoongi said. "Naomi will snap my neck if we're late."

"She's such a relaxed person." Mark said. He couldn't see her as the type of person who would kill without remorse. "Hwasa, on the other hand, I can see her killing you without hesitation."

"They are both demons when they're pissed."


"Now that everyone is here, let's begin." The lights went off and a holographic screen lit up Naomi's large office. The same video played, showing the escapees run for their lives.

"As some of you may have seen, these are runaway patients from an unknown facility." Hwasa said. The holographic screen switched to eight images. Their eyes were covered by a thick black line and their faces were slightly blurred.

One image had a large red cross on it, indicating that the person was deceased. Three other pictures had a white line run straight through from the top corner to the bottom.

"The identities of these people will remain unknown, as the anonymous sender said the information was to be kept private. They kindly allowed us to know what they look like and what their powers are." The images cleared out.

Hwasa moved aside for Taemin to continue. "Thanks to my research team, we managed to find some locations." The screen switched to a map of Dubai. A red dot glowed brightly in a section of the city. Occasionally, it moved to a different location.

"Our job is to track down these four people. According to our sources, they have a connection to certain weapons and objects that have as much power as the Tree of Life."

"What happens to them after we find those objects?" Mark asked.

"The best thing to do is lock them up." The screen switched to a world map with four glowing red dots. One was in Dubai, one in Korea and two in America.

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