-Chapter 7- Secret Gift

Începe de la început

"Aren't you going to make something for Shikamaru?" I asked.

"I do want to but I really don't know what he likes." Temari sighed.

"Boys are hard.." Temari groaned. She noticed at how much I had bought.

"Good lord what are you making?" Temari asked.

"Macarons and Chocolate." I said.

"Ooooh... Interesting... Well good luck! Do ask for help if needed!" Temari said. I smiled.

I started making the Macarons. I used the ingredients and did some mixing etc. I was making 3 different flavors, Chocolate and Strawberry, Lemon and Chocolate and Peanut butter chocolate. I then piped it on a sheet of parchment paper. Once I was finished, I grabbed the tray and put it in the oven. Now I needed to make the cream. I made a strawberry, chocolate, and lemon flavors. After a while, the macarons was ready. I took the hot tray out and it looked like I did a good job. I was happy that it worked.

I then piped the cream on the cookies and now it was time for decorating. For the Chocolate strawberry, I dipped it in green melted chocolate then added a face. It was a zombie. For the peanut butter chocolate, I made it a pumpkin. Last but not least, the lemon chocolate was a spider web. It almost took me the entire day but I managed to finish.

"It really smells good! You never told me you were good at cooking!" Temari said

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"It really smells good! You never told me you were good at cooking!" Temari said.

"I made so much gosh.. Do you wanna try it..?" I asked. Temari quickly ran to me.

"mmm.. I'll try the zombie." Temari took a bite. Her face lit up.

"ITS SO GOOD!!!" Temari was in love.

"I'm Glad you like it!" I was happy that it tasted good. I tried it as well. It was really good. I was shocked at how well I did. I gathered all of the Macarons and carefully put them in a gift box in a bag. I left the extras out for Temari and I to munch on. Temari already grabbed 5. She walked back to her bed and munch on them as she turns on T.V. I walked to the desk and sat down. I pulled out papers and coloring pencils. I worked on it for hours. The coloring and decorating was done. It was the paragraph I had left. I thought hard about one till it lit up. I wrote it with a smile. I was finished... But I still had no idea what to get him...

Neji's POV

Alright. I know what Tenny likes. I'll... make her a pumpkin cake pop and a card. Gift..Hmm.... I saw something that I think TenTen would like!

Back to Tenten's POV

"So Tenny. What are you gonna dress up like?" Temari asked.

"I'm thinking about doing a Mummy. What about you?" I asked.

"A demon. Speaking of that, let me figure out how I want to do my makeup for the demon. I got fake demon teeth and eye contacts too." Temari was in the bathroom trying out the makeup. After a while...

"Good god I already look so different." Temari said.

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I munched on a macaron. Temari peeked out of the bathroom doorway. I almost choked on my food. Temari did look different and scary.

"Dang You already look scary!" I said

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Dang You already look scary!" I said.

"Thanks. Sweet I'll do this then." Temari said as she cleaned her face.

"I'm excited for Halloween!" I said.

"Who doesn't like free candies anyways!" Temari said.

"Exactly!" I said.

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