Adrienne felt bad how things went down at lunch with Derek's friends. She couldn't help but feel  like she was to blame. Derek spends a hell of a lot of time with Adrienne. From speaking to lawyers on her behalf to comforting her at night for when she cries herself to sleep, everything revolved around her. Although, she appreciated his support and attention, she did not want to be selfish with his time. Which was brought to her attention by Emery which so happens to be her tutor.


 She was at the vending machine trying to grab a snack before her tutoring session started. Derek caught her bending over from down the hall. He had not seen her since lunch so he went over to her before he had to go to practice.

" Hey Gorgeous" he greeted while tapping her butt.

" What's with you and my butt these days sir" she laughed  grabbing my chips and honey bun before standing up straight.

" I don't know. You just so Fine, I can't keep my hands off of you." He shrugged his shoulders watching her put her snacks in her book bag. Derek looked around the hall to see if anyone was around .

" Give me a kiss."  Adrienne obliged. Derek squeezed on her bottom causing Adrienne to gasp giving Derek an opportunity to deepen the kiss. A soft moan escaped from her lips as Derek to suck on them. If  Adrienne wasn't so self conscious, she knew things would have gone further in this public hallway. 

" Wait, stop stop." As she breathlessly broke away from the kiss. It had been week since they last had sex. She had just started taking birth control and it through her body off causing her to start her period early, now that she was back on track she was contemplating on what Derek was initiating. 

Derek mischievously smiled down at her, knowing he had her.  He picked up her book bag and placed it on his shoulder. " You trust me right?" 

" You know I do, but..."  He cut her off by kissing her again while backing her up against the wall. He stopped kissing her for a second to open the door to the janitors closet  then guided her inside. 

By the time Derek and Adrienne were done fooling around , Adrienne was late for  tutoring. She quickly rushed into the schools library. She looked around looking for her tutor, but the only person around was Emery. She was sitting at a table alone with textbooks surrounding her, glasses adorned her face as she focused on her task.

" You're my tutor ?" Adrienne inquired as she plopped down in a chair  across from her.

" See anybody else around here? You're late" She mumbled, not caring to look up at Adrienne.  

" Just a few minutes late" Adrienne scuffed.

" 5 minutes is a few minutes late Adrienne not 30 minutes "  Emery snapped as she closed the textbook she was studying from. 

" I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I just been going through.."

" If you call having sex in a janitor's closet going through something then maybe you are more dickmatized than I thought." Emery stood to her feet finally looking up at Adrienne. Emery did not know how much stuff she had bottled in until she looked at her once best friend. She was really worried about her. It had been way too long for her not to speak to her. Tears began to fill her eyes as she thought about all the time that passed. 

Adrienne was taken aback by the sudden emotion.  

" I've been calling you. Almost everyday trying to check up on you, to make sure you are okay. I don't see you in school hardly, and when I do you ignore me. That hurts Adrienne. I mean I get you got some stuff going on with your mother, but what does that have to do with me?" Emery cried as she looked away from Adrienne to stuff her textbooks in her book bag. 

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now