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Requested by: LynLostInFandoms

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was sitting at the water fountain admiring the turtleducks. A little baby swan towards me and I pet it on the top of its head. The momma duck saw it lagging behind and quacked at it. I smile remembering my mom. All I know is that she died in a fire when I was younger. My dad doesn't like to speak of her death, so I try not to ask any questions.

I live in the palace with the Firelord and his children. Well Princess Azula, Prince Zuko was banished a while ago. I do feel bad for him. My father has been doing a lot of business with the Firelord, so instead of traveling home and here everyday, Firelord Ozai let us stay here for the time being.

I sometimes see Princess Azula walk down the halls and all the servants rush to get out of the way. I think it would be amazing to have that type of power to be completely honest. Oh! My Aunt Giya also works here. She's one of the guards and when she's on her breaks she spends time with me.

She's the nicest person ever! She has long black hair, a show stopping smile, and she has the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen. I'm surprised she hasn't dated anyone. I see her walking towards me, but I see Princess Azula call her and she has to go to her. I frown, but understand that she has other important matters. I continue staring at the pond enjoying the scenery.

*Some time later*

"What are you doing here?"

I look up surprised and shocked at Princess Azula asking or more like demanding what I'm doing. Too shocked, I sit there with my mouth wide open.

"Well?" She says impatiently.

"Sorry! I was just, uhm watching the turtle ducks " I responded, my face turning a bright red. Why would she talk to me?

"My father said you'd be here. He said to come play with you, but I'm too old for that, so just follow me and don't say anything." She says while walking away.

I quickly get out of my shocked state and run after her.

*Time Skip*

As a few months passed, I found out that my Aunt Giya and Azula are actually really close. I found out by seeing them in her room chatting. It was nice seeing someone have someone who isn't me to talk to. I smile and don't interrupt them.

Us, on the other hand. We've actually been getting close. I wouldn't call it a relationship, but we do sneak kisses here and there. I don't want to ask, because what if it's nothing more than friends who kiss? I don't want my heart broken, so I just leave it how it is.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Me?" Azula asks with a smirk.

"Oh, just how much has changed since the past few months. It's crazy how close we are compared to then." I say with a distant look in my eyes.

She looks at me, her infamous smirk on her face.

"Best months to have happened, right?"

"Absolutely" I reply stealing a kiss and a slight blush coloring my cheeks.


"I'm gonna go, okay? I'll see you at dinner" Azula asks while standing up from the bench.

I look up at her knowing she's going to talk to my Aunt about whatever she needs to talk about.

"Okay" I smile and she gives me a quick peck before walking away. I know she'll come around and tell me. I also don't want to out her about going to my aunt for help and getting into her business.

Azula's POV:

"I don't know Giya! I really like (Y/N). I think I'll ask her to be my girlfriend soon!" I say with a small smile on my face.

I've been friends with Giya for some time. She's kind of my mother figure, since the one I had thought I was a monster.

I first met Giya by accidentally tripping in front of her. Of course she helped me and asked me if I was okay, but something felt different about her. I told her I was okay and didn't snap at her. I was bored and decided to start a little conversation. She didn't talk too much, but I liked that.

Soon, I started to keep seeing her and talking to her about stuff that's been going on. I know it's totally strange that I'm trusting someone, especially a guard. I just have a gut feeling and my feelings are always right.

"That's really cool! I wish you luck on that." Giya responded to my last statement.

"Did you know that (Y/N) is actually my niece though?" She exclaimed.

I stood there stunned and I could feel a blush growing on my cheeks.

"I've talked about (Y/N) for a while and you've never told me she was your niece!" I whispered yelled at her.

"I didn't think it was that important! It's honestly adorable." She says with a smirk on her face.

"Why you! I'm getting you back, just watch." I give her a playful threat.

"Sure, and honestly I give you permission to date her."

"If you think this will work, then I'll ask her out today." I say confidently.

*Time Skip*

(Y/N)'s POV:

Azula asked me out and I said yes! It's been a few months since. She told me she's been seeing my aunt and I told her I knew. She was a little mad, but forgave me. So far, no one knows about our relationship except for my Aunt Giya. If anyone else knew, we could get into huge trouble or we could be put in dangerous situations. So, it's better if we keep our relationship on the down low for now.

So far, we've been on a mission to capture the Avatar. Before we gathered her friends Mai and Ty Lee. They don't even know about our relationship, which means I haven't been able to kiss and hold Azula as often as we used to. Plus she's focused and I understand that.

*Time Skip*

Stuff has gone down since the beginning of our journey. Mai and Ty Lee have betrayed Azula and she is really angry that they would do this. The Avatar has also come back to life, so that's another thing. With the support from me and my Aunt she is thriving. She's a bad b and is ready to be crowned Firelord.

My aunt stands guard and I watch proudly watching her get crowned. Suddenly this flying bison comes in and Zuko and Katara come. Zuko says he'll become Firelord, so Azula prompts an Agni Kai.

They get into their stances and the battle commences. Blue fire mixing with orange. It would seem beautiful if it were other circumstances. I watched amazed at how strong both of them are. But I know Azula will win because she's always been stronger.

As the fight continues Zuko starts to fall back. I can see he's been hit too many times and has to surrender. He keeps trying to fight back, but even he sees that Azula is no match for him. Katara has to grab him and put him on the bison before he dies. All of us see them fly away and cheer.

I run to Azula and hug her so hard. She hugs back just as much. At this moment we don't care who's watching. Right now we're happy to know that we will have an amazing future together.

I kiss her hard and bury my head in her neck. She chuckled and I smile. I let her go and she gets crowned Firelord Azula. I cheer proudly for my girlfriend and I know our future will be bright.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter! Also thank you for all the support on this book, I really appreciate it! I don't know when the next time I will update, but I will see you guys later! Have an amazing night/day!

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