Are You Sure?

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(Y/N) POV:

I've had the longest crush on Azula, but Ty Lee told me she likes her. I didn't want to tell Ty Lee that I had feelings for her too, so I'm keeping quiet.

"I'm going to ask Azula if she wants to go to the kitchens with me." Ty Lee says.

"Okay!" I try my best to be happy for her, even though my heart aches to be the one with Azula.

I see her ask and Azula turns to me.

"Do you want to come to             (Y/N/N)?"

"It's okay, you guys go. I'm not hungry." I say with a sad smile.

"Oh, okay." Azula says with a disappointed face.

Ty Lee looks at me and mouths thank you. I smile at her and shake my head.

*Time Skip*

"I can see the way she looks at you. She likes you and not Ty Lee" Zuko says to me while we're feeding the ducks.

"Yeah, she does look at you different from the rest of us." Mai adds on.

"I know, but Ty Lee deserves to be happy and I won't ruin that!" I exclaim defeated.

"You know Azula is staring at you right now?" Mai says smirking.

I look back and see that she is staring at me. I turn away quickly, with a dark blush on my cheeks.

*Another Time Skip*

It was after dinner and I was walking towards my room to relax.

"Hey (Y/N)! Do you want to go for a stroll around the garden?" Azula asks me.

"Hi, ummm. I can't go, I have... stuff to do." I say nervously. She can tell I'm lying, but doesn't push.

"Oh, okay. Maybe next time then." She replies with a sad smile.

I watch her leave. I turn to go back to my room, when Ty Lee appears in front of me.

"Hey (Y/N), I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Umm, what about?" I ask curiously.

"I know you like Azula." She looks me straight in the eyes.

"What?!? I do not! You like Azula!" I rush out.

"(Y/N). You don't have to lie. I can see it when you look at her. She likes you too, you know. I also saw she asked you to go on a stroll. So please, go to her." She says with small smile on her lips.

"Are you sure Ty?" I ask unsure.

"Yes! Now go lover girl!" She pushes me to start moving.

I run through the doors and to the garden. I search frantically for Azula. I see her sitting down on a bench under the moonlight. She looks deep in thought with a frown on her face. She still looks as beautiful as ever though.

"Hey Azula." I greet as I walk towards her. She looks at me and I see her eyes light up.

"Hi! I thought you said you had some stuff to do." She looks at me with a small smile.

"Plans changed, so I decided to spend time with you. But, umm. I have to tell you something." I look at her nervously.

"Sure, what's wrong?" She says with a concerned tone.

"I umm. Know what, just do it!" I whisper yell at myself.

"Just do wha-" I cut her off with a kiss. At first she was surprised by the sudden gesture, but soon relaxed into it.

As we kiss, I cup her cheek, while she grabs my hips pulling me closer. Sadly, we had to pull apart because we have to breathe. Her lips were so soft and strong. We rested our foreheads together, while breathing heavily.

"I'm guessing you like me back." I look up at her with a smirk.

"Hmm. I think it's a good time to tell you. You're just a friend." She says while going in for another kiss.

I pull back and punch her in the arm.

"Oh shut up." I smile, leaning in for a kiss.

We stay there a bit longer just kissing and cherishing this long awaited moment.

"Azula, you are the most beautiful, bravest, and intelligent person I have ever met." I say to her.

She smiles at me and holds me tight.

Third Person POV:

That night the two girls went to sleep with huge smiles, awaiting for the future to come.

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