Ember Island Pt. 2

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I've been outside for a while, I think it's time to head back in. I walk in and see Azula talking to Ty Lee. Suddenly she laughs out loud and all heads turn to her. I smile at her cuteness and go see how Mai is doing.

"Hey, how are you liking the party?"

She sighs. "I'm bored and Zuko is getting me food. Where have you been?" She asks curiously.

"I've been outside. You know how I don't really care for parties. And then there's the other reason." I say while looking at Azula.

"Why don't you tell her already?"

"She's been talking to Chan most of the night. It's not like I even have a chance." I explained with a huge sigh.

"It doesn't hurt to try." I go back to the balcony sitting to think about what she said. I sit in the corner so I don't bother anyone if anyone comes.

I listen to the waves crashing on the shore and feel the wind blowing. It's peaceful and just perfect. That is until I hear footsteps coming from the house. I don't pay any attention to them at first until I hear a familiar voice.

"No I used to come here years ago." Azula said.

"It's a great place, if you like sand." Chan I assume says.

I hear Azula laugh. Man, I wish I could make her laugh. To see her smile everyday because of me. Gosh, if only.

I hear it go silent and I assume they were kissing. I sigh with tears prickling my eyes. I wait until they leave so I could get away from this miserable party.

But then I hear Azula get mad. I wipe at my eyes and get up a little to see why. I peak around the corner and see her frown. I go up to her and ask what's wrong.

"Nothing is wrong! I'm perfectly fine." She says with a harsh glare.

"You know you can trust me, right? I'll always be here for you, no matter what." I look into her eyes and see her walls slowly come down.

"I- I just don't understand why no one likes me." She says defeated.

"I mean, I'm perfect! What's there not to like!" I see her getting mad again. I grab her hand and face her towards me. This is my chance! I got this!

"Azula. I think your perfect." I glance at the ground not wanting to see the look in her face in case she doesn't see me in that kind of way.

"(Y/N)" she tilts my head up. She kisses me. I'm taken by surprise, but quickly kiss her back. We pull apart and I'm still in a daze from the kiss.

She sees my face and giggles, which knocks me out of my trance.

"So, you like me?" I ask to make sure.

"Yes, dummy." She says with a smirk.

"But what about Chan? Don't you like him?" I ask.

"I thought you were straight! I was trying to find a guy that was actually capable of ruling with me, since I thought you didn't like me." She says with a laugh. She then pause and looks me in the eyes,

"But together, you and I will be the strongest couple in the entire world. WE WILL DOMINATE THE EARTH!" She tells me lighting her hands on fire.

"We will love. And I'll be by your side every step of the way." I reply with a smile.

She leans in for another kiss and we stay there until we need to breathe again. We walk back inside to see Zuko gone and Mai upset. She tells me she's going to find Zuko. I then go off to find Mai.

*Time Skip*

We sit on the beach around a fire that Zuko made. Suddenly everyone is yelling at each other.

I sit next to Ty Lee keeping quiet and now Zuko and Mai are kissing, which means they're probably back together.

Azula starts to talk about her mother and I know she's secretly hurting inside.

"My own mother, thought I was a monster... She was right if course, but it still hurt." She rushes at the end.

"Why are you always so quiet    (Y/N)?" Zuko questions me, me being the one who hasn't talked the whole time.

"Well, umm. I've always been quiet and shy. I'm more of an observer than someone who takes action. I'm just me I guess." I explain it short and quick. I'm nothing special. Azula looks to me and a small blush appears on my face.

"What Lo and Li said cane true. The beach did help us learn about ourselves. I feel all smoothed. I'll always remember this." Ty Lee exclaims.

"You know what would make this trip really memorable?" Azula days with a smirk me knowing what she's thinking.

*Time Skip*

We go back to the party and the four of them start trashing the place. I knocked over the huge vase and was satisfied with what I did. I look up and see the rest of them completely destroying everything.

I go up to Azula and kiss her cheek. I see her smile and she pecks me on the lips. I turn away and Mai and I make eye contact. She smirks at me and I grin from ear to ear knowing I finally got the girl.

A/N: I hoped you liked this imagine and sorry it took so long. I hope you have an awesome day/night! And thanks for reading!

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