Part 1

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Hi all,

This is my new ss of Arshi. I hope to keep it short. Don't want it to be too long...

Yes yes yes, I know I have not yet finished my other story, Reawakening. I don't know why but somehow I am not able to get going with it.. I promise, I will finish it because I was anyway going to finish it soon...

Here we go,...

All changes will be detailed as the story proceeds..



Just a moment ago, she was surrounded by Anjali's family, now, Khushi sat alone at the five star restaurant table musing over her life, picking on the food left in her plate.

One month.

One month since it all began.

One month since the fateful day she fell in his arms. She could still feel goosebumps raising all over her at the thought of that night. And just like a movie clip, she could see her life playing in front of her eyes...

Lucknow.... her birth place, where she grew up,..

Preparations for her jijis wedding....

Sheesh Mahal fashion show....

Held captive in a dark room...

Meeting the Raakshas(Demon) at the dargah...

The video footage...

Public humiliation, thanks to her dad and his friends for saving her...

Delhi... trying to make their life

How she accidentally ended up in his office.. if only Buajis neighbour hadn't recommended her to the inventory job at AR... oh how she ended working for him..

Not to forget the adventures in his office

Indeed he had changed her destiny, so she thought... if only she knew she was weaved into his.. there was no way out... it was bound to be..


Finally he could get a word across to her... how dare she.. she has very gracefully twisted his family around her little finger... he had to give her a piece of his mind. She can't get away that easily...

Sitting opposite her chair, for a moment he couldn't take his eyes off her.. gosh how ethereal she looks... how can she look so innocent... so breathtakingly beautiful .... can't imagine how she would look, if she were dressed in the new saree I designed..

What the.. I didn't come here to praise her...

"So Ms.Gupta. Finally you are leaving. I didn't think you would come. Did you coax di to gift you this beautiful saree for working for her. Not bad, Ms.Gupta, but you failed. Did you think you could easily trap a rich guy like me? Well enjoy yourself while you are here. This restaurant, the food, the people... I don't think you will meet them in your circle in this lifetime"

He could see her face go pale. But immediately blood rose to her angry cheeks.

"Go on Mr.Raizada, spill out all the venom you have left. Looks like you have an endless pit filled with venom for me. Like you said, its my last day at your sisters. Though I don't have anything against her family, I don't wish to be in the circle you are in. Keep your money, your high class status with you. Forget trapping you, I can't breathe the same air you are in. Don't think all are behind your money and status. There are other things in life. Anyway, why am I doing the explanation, you are 'know it all'. After today I hope I never meet you."

Hope you all like my new story, please comment... further updates to follow soon

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