Part 19

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Part 19 


"Ai Parameshwari, eat something atleast. Now, if you starve, they will still not give anything to your Babuji. Doctor saab told na, after the operation he can eat. You can only feed him properly then." Buaji tried to stuff some chapatti into Khushi's mouth.

 "Garima tell your daughter to eat, otherwise, I am sure wind will carry her away." 


Two days her Babuji was kept nil by mouth. Moved hospitals because of some reason they wouldn't say, or rather she couldn't understand. Khushi took out all her frustration on the vegetables she was cutting. 


"Khushiii, at least bhaksh those vegetables. Eat something beta. I am sure everything will be alright. How will you get the strength to run around like a titali after he comes home." Garima tried to convince her. 

."Amma, I don't feel like eating. Pack one box for me as well, I will eat with jiji in the hospital. Poor jiji, she has been looking after everything in the hospital." Khushi got away from their pressure and made her way to get ready to go the hospital.


With all the catering services still on, the Guptas and their young apprenticeships were busy. For once Khushi got a chance to help around home, but she was too tensed to think sane. What was the complication they foresaw to move him to a bada hospital? And how could she forget the costs of that hospital. Day by day, her will to make enough money to keep her family safe and happy, grew more and more


 "Jiji, I am too scared. Why am I not feeling positive." Khushi sat with Payal at the hospital canteen, picking at the food in the box. 

 "Khushi, we've already jumped into it now. No getting back. Don't worry we will all give whatever it takes to get Babuji to health." Payal assured her sister, but deep inside, she too was very very apprehensive.


After finally forcing each other to stuff something into their tummies, both sisters made way to the ward, to be told by the attending nurse to meet the doctor.


Both sisters gave each other a nervous and understanding look. 

 "Jiji, you go ahead and be with Babuji, I will see. " Khushi tried to persuade Payal, but Payal wouldn't budge. 

."No chance Khushi, anyway Babuji is sleeping, come let's make it quick. " and Payal dragged themselves to the doctor's chamber. 


Their regular doctor was away, but had left all the information with the young doctor. They had seen her accompany the older doctor and seen her taking ward rounds.

 "Ah, Ms.Guptas. I was just going to ask the nurse to send for you two."Once again the sisters looked at each other this time they held their hands. The doctor continued, 


 "You both know why he was shifted to this hospital. He has Dvt, in other words, his blood has the tendency to clot. We have administered blood thinning drugs and he should be ok. With that condition, we need to approach the operation in a slightly different manner..... " 



Both sat on the chair outside the ward discussing. Even though they listened attentively, after a certain point it was all going above their heads. One thing was clearly evident though . They had to make extra arrangements for some more cash. 

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