Part 12

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******************Part 12

Since his Di's delivery, a sense of regret was devouring him. He knew Khushi had stood against a storm called ASR and silently defeated him. She wasn't afraid of him which is what intrigued him beyond measure, how she got this courage. So he wanted to fix the matter asap. How? Get to know her. The opportunity presented and he wouldn't let go.

Time stood still. Not a leaf in Arnav's garden moved, she could see the shadow of the plants in the clear blue pool. Khushi was quiet. Long enough to make him restless. Composing herself, she asked with sincere concern,

"Mr.Raizada, are you alright? You are well I assume."

"Don't be silly, tell me what about your demands" he waved away her concern, his impatience showing.

"Why are you being so nice to me? What does it make a difference if I work here or anywhere. We both know you can get well trained people, then why me? You should be happy I will not show my face in your house. Or interfere in your matters." If she was further making him impatient, she wasn't aware nor care, but she was genuinely doubtful about his concern.

"Khushi for the last time, I want to know what your requirements are" Arnav asked coming to the edge of the seat, holding his breath.

Khushi moved behind in her seat, even though she was well aware he was far enough, the coffee table in between them. She wasn't sure if she could make such demands. She thought for a while, then looking up to her Devi maiyya, somewhere up in the sky, she put forward her propositions.

"I hope these matters remain within these four walls " she began, making Arnav even more curious to know now. He nodded his approval and encouraged her to go ahead.

"I want a loan. I will repay every paise. Sachi?" She pinched her throat to give her word.If Arnav was not bothered about the request, he didn't show it, but he wouldn't give in without proper details. He once again nodded for her to continue.

"It is a very huge amount" she stated, more a question if he would agree to it .

"Khushi. Stop beating around the bush and come clear." His face showed some annoyance.

"Ok ok, wait" Khushi quickly spoke. "I want a loan of " she started fidgeting with her dupatta, looked here and there, not sure how to put forward, "You know if you can't, don't come up with ridiculous excuses, because it's really huge..." she held her breath tight.

His tolerance was running low. He closed his eyes, looked away and fisted his fingers.

Khushi immediately began, speaking with jet speed, "ok I want about eleven and half lacs as loan." And she let out a huge breath.

She saw him relax his muscles. Arnav sat behind, tried to hide the smile trembling on his lips. He was honestly awed by her innocence. For a man who had won the prestigious youngest entrepreneur award, businessman of the year award, having posh offices in London, New York, only Khushi could think that was a huge amount.

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