Part 10

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Part 10

It was only after about a few solid hours Khushi sat on the plush sofa of the waiting room attached to Anjali's suite. Arun still hung to her, the little boy traumatised seeing his mother in so much pain. While Arun lightly snored and drooled on her shoulders, Khushi too closed her eyes, resting her back. Nani sat next to her, chanting prayers with her beads. Anjali was still in the operation theatre.

Anjali's one hand held her belly and the other hand clutching the edge of the bed in a tight grip, sweating profusely and breathing heavily when Arun ran to Khushi and clutched her legs.

Carrying Arun on her slim waist, she was next to Anjali in an instant. Lying Anjali carefully on the bed, she quickly ran through her phone to find Akash's number, but the call was not answered. She felt Anjali tugging her, eyeing her phone and faintly whisper "Hospital".

"Arun do you know how to open mummy's phone" Khushi looked puzzled at the phone which had no buttons whatsoever.

"Didi show mummy's face" Arun tapped and held the phone in front of Anjali.

After passing the technological hurdles, Khushi managed to call the hospital. Owing to the close proximity of the hospital, the ambulance was promised within ten minutes.

She seemed to be in ten places all at once. She ran to the guards to inform about the ambulance. Fetching a glass of cold water, she sat next to Anjali and next ten minutes was a torture.

"Take deep breaths. Very slow" she tried to calm her, but Anjali held Khushi's hand tight and with every passing spasm, Khushi felt her bones crack. Not to forget Arun holding her tight, if he could anymore, every time he saw his mother take deep breaths in pain.

Things got under control as soon as the ambulance arrived. Being Anjali Raizada Sharma, had its own perks. The ambulance was well equipped with female staff and well trained paramedics. Khushi was surprised to see the doctor waiting for the ambulance when they reached the hospital.

After about half an hour Nani and Mami came rushing in, by then Anjali was coping well with pain killers, well looked after by experienced hands. Soon followed Arvind and Arnav in the next half hour or so. Surprisingly, Arun had stuck to Khushi all the while, and only giving her a break seeing his dad. But when Arvind had been called by the doctors, he was back with Khushi, even refusing to go to his Annav mama or parnani.


"Khushi..", Arnav nudged her Khushi's shoulder gently.

Busy day had taken it's toll, she didn't know when she dozed off. "Uh... sorry" Khushi woke with a start, disoriented. She was greeted with the most beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes, making her think she was in a beautiful dream. He didn't want to let go of her shoulder. Yet. Hazel green eyes stared at him, he was lost for a few seconds.

Arvind came forward to pick a sleeping Arun. Arnav looked away, being caught staring.

"Khushi ji, Thank you so much. I think I should relieve you of him now." Arvind picked his son gently, making sure he was not disturbed in his sleep. Khushi felt cold and empty after holding him from hours.

"Is Anjali ji ok? And the baby?" Arnav saw genuine concern in her eyes.


Journey back home was eerily quiet. She had to guide Arnav through the narrow roads for Lakshmi nagar. Stopping right in front of her gate, he switched the engine off. Turning to Khushi, looking at her with gratitude, he whispered,

"Khushi, I will never forget what you have done. Thank you very much." Khushi could have sworn she saw his lips curl into a faint smile.

An uncomfortable silence spread through, Khushi sighed,

"I didn't do much. Anyone in my position would have done the same. Thanks for dropping me. They were worried how I would get home." She pointed towards her house.

"Di was in a very serious situation. The baby was entangled in the chord, and Di's blood pressure had risen to sky levels. Both their lives was in danger."

"It's fine Arnav ji. I'm glad both Anjali ji and her little son is fine. You too should be very happy. You have got another nephew."

Arnav gave a sharp turn and looked at her pleasantly surprised. She had always addressed him as Sir or Mr.Raizada, today she called him 'Arnav ji'. He was always Chote or ASR or Sir or plain Arnav to the rest of the world, but nobody's Arnav ji.

Arnav finally nodded, giving a small smile, before Khushi strapped her bag around her shoulders. She couldn't show him she was surprised to know he knew how to laugh. She wasn't sure if this man would change his colours too soon.


Arnav walked into his room, tired, but sometime today, things had changed drastically. He saw Khushi in a different light. Was it trust, he went sure yet. Trust, something that never came to him naturally. It was very hard for him trust anyone, including his family other than his Di. After being in pain, sorrow due to the betrayal of his dad, someone who was an idol to him, someone whom his mother loved to her death, someone whom his sister always looked up to, Arnav never he could never trust anyone. And Khushi came like a breath of fresh air trying to break through strong walls where he felt defenceless. He knew he had wronged her, been unnecessarily cruel to her.

The doctors words still sent a chill down his spine. Few more minutes, both his Di and her son were in grave danger. It was a narrow escape.


Thank you all...

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