Part 14

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Apologies, I've been a bit busy, hence a late update

Part 14

Obvious suspicions rose when Khushi was summoned to AR designs. As was her norm, she panicked and also made sure the rest of the family panicked too. Not to mention they normally were unaware of her cause of distress, and it was no different this time too.

"All the rats in my tummy will be dead by the time he finishes his meeting Everything is going ulta today." Khushi grumbled to herself waiting at the reception playing with the long cloth strap of her jhola. It was already lunch time. She had finished her appointment at the hospital and headed straight to AR.

Coming from the conference room, Arnav saw her waiting. "Aman get Khushis file."

Arnav had barely finished the sentence, Khushi saw Aman standing next to Arnav with a file in his hand. She was immediately reminded of 'kali' (named because she was all black) her neighbours dog in Lucknow who would fetch the newspaper as soon as the cycle boy had thrown it into their small patio.

"Sir, here is the file." She saw him hesitate a bit, but summing up all his courage he managed to remind Arnav, "Sir your lunch?"

It wasn't good to irritate Arnav anytime, never more when he was hungry.

"Laad governor. Everybody seems to tremble at his anger. The rats in my tummy are dying of starvation." Khushi pitied herself along with Aman.

Arnav looked at his phone and sighed. Ever since he had missed his medications a few years ago, Anjali had made sure Aman kept a tab on him.

"Ms.Gupta come let's go the nearby cafe"

"Tnnng" thats exactly how Khushi's ears stood out listening to the word 'cafe'.

"Why? Why should we go out? Can we not discuss here? " Khushi panicked.

"What's the problem? I am sure you wouldn't have finished lunch, so why not. Aman have you finished?"

Khushi sighed, good Aman would be there too. But her face went down when he replied had a packed lunch for himself.

"I need to get home, they are waiting." Khushi started, but without giving her a second look, he walked towards the door with the file in his hand.

"You can look at me while I have lunch. I have a meeting in about an hours time, if you will hurry, we will just have enough time to discuss the details."

Unwillingly Khushi trotted along, literally running to keep pace.


"How many times are you going to pick the spoon. The food hasn't arrived at. Why are you so fidgety?" Arnav showed his irritation and got back to his phone. Khushi kept distracting him from his phone, while he was trying to sort out an important e-mail.

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