Part 5

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Part 5

Distraction. That is what he wanted now. Staring at his employers quietly going about their work diligently, he felt empty. For the first time, he didn't want to work. At the same time, he didn't know what else to do either, when had he ever not wanted to work?

Going home was not an option, too many questions... he missed his Di at home. Ever since she had moved out after her marriage, he felt no urge to get back home.

Going to Anjali's house, again not an option, because there would be 'even more' questions. He would normally visit in the evenings to meet his nephew. He didn't have to 'Keep an eye' on his jijaji anymore. Di was safe and happy.

He smiled thinking of how he had secretly done a detailed background check before the marriage. Even after the marriage, he was often seen in Anjali's house accessing the condition. All his out station activities were monitored regularly.

Even though education was all that was valued in the Sharma household, Arvind coming from a middle class family was itself enough to raise alarm bells. He could see all the siblings were very highly educated to an extent bordering boring scholars and never really affiliated to materialism other than to further themselves in their quest for infinite knowledge. He recollected how mami had immediately taunted now Ananya, Arvind's sister, will be forced upon him. But nothing of the sort happened.

Arnav's behaviour had irritated Arvind when they were newly married and to top it, even Anjali molly cuddled him like a baby. Medicines were ok, but not breakfast, snack, lunch, tea, dinner.... But Arvind loved her, perhaps more than Anjali loved him. Handling AR cases he had to liaise with Anjali regularly, which became more than necessary when he had fallen for her FLAT. It took a lot to persuade her, before eventually she had given in to her emotions and accepted him.


"Aman, book me a ticket to London. I want to check what's the status of the project." He barked into the phone, only he couldn't see Aman putting the phone away from his ears."Sir, Lavanya mam is looking in to that project. It is all going as per schedule. Why.." Aman stopped abruptly.

"Do I decide on that or you?" Arnav shouted and cut the phone.

This should do. All the restlessness, longing and hope that was taking rekindling in his heart would stop. Of course, he wasn't thinking of anyone in particular he reasoned. He did not want to remember the mixture of emotions that ran through her eyes. Warm and caring when she apologised, and turning cold to say she was going out of his reach, his life. Who is she to go away, I will go away.


Finally Khushi felt the burden of the contract off her shoulders. She didn't want to go back or even think of all that had passed a few weeks. Yet what was this new weakness she experienced. Inability to eat, drink, sleep or think straight. She didn't want to admit that all this was happening because of a certain someone. But what was her equation with him. Hatred... no she didn't hate him now, maybe she never hated him. Friendly... no, that could never be between them. What was this feeling?

Work was hectic and what better way of distraction? The various jobs was enough to take her mind off the 'other' distraction. Delhi seemed nice for a change. Prospects were wider for both the sisters, unlike Lucknow. In spite of their busy schedules the family started to feel more at home.


Distraction came in the form of Lavanya. Though they were not officially 'together', she shadowed him everywhere. Lavanya was everything Khushi wasn't. She had status, class and money, though may not be as much as him, but she was no where middle class.

The distraction proved fruitful. To an extent. He had even allowed Lavanya to coax him to go to the Derby. He believed, yes strongly believed, this was the life he wanted, life that people of his class lived. But for all he tried, he could not get physical with Lavanya, though she clung on to him like a creeper most of the time, well actually all the time.


"Buaji, I am off to go to the temple to give them today's order of sweets. Then I will be off to my office."

Khushi hurried to the huge library, thinking why it mattered to input all the names of the books and journals from nearly 20 years ago into the system. If only she had concentrated on her studies than on Salman Khan jis movies, she might have landed a better job, she mused. This was already her second job, which she was filling in place of her neighbour gone on maternity leave.

"Khushi, don't forget to give sheermal (Special Lucknowi sweet naan) to Anjali bitiya. It is very common to crave at this time... " Garima reminded her.

"Haan Amma I will not forget. How can I forget the all famous Lucknow Sheermal, specially made by Garima gupta.." Ever since the friends had exchanged numbers, Anjali ji's cravings were conveniently conveyed and like a long lost daughter, Garima had fulfilled them.

"Hey Devi maiyya, it's good Laad governor has gone to London. Otherwise he would not have left the opportunity to taunt me everytime I went to Anjali ji's house."


Nearly four weeks have passed since the day he saw her. Four weeks since the party and Akash had visited the market a number of times, err well, almost daily, the temple a few times, again, every Tuesday and Friday when she normally visited the Devi temple.. but Payal was missing. With the car working fine without any problems, he couldn't visit Happy ji's garage either. With Bhai away in London, owing to busy schedule he was as busy as ever.

After playing with his nephew, Akash came round to see Anjali sighing and stretching her legs, "Di, you seem to be really tired. I think Khushi ji was good for you. You could relax leaving Arun to her. May be you should call her back or may be her sister. She could help you with your knitting stuff."

Anjali raised her eyebrows seeing his concern. Though she knew his concern was genuine, she couldn't say about the suggestion. One brother runs off soon after Khushi left the job, keeping himself aloof, more aloof than before. The other brother never stops praising the Guptas.Akash continued, unaware of the thoughts running in Anjali's mind, "you know Di, the saree Geeta aunty got from them as gift can easily pass off AR quality. It is no less than what we make."

"Akash,I no longer work in AR. I left 3 yrs ago, now again I will be off maternity leave. Arvind will chuck me out of my job from the firm if this goes on..." Anjali giggled.

"Then you should take the case to employment tribunal Di." Akash smiled, sitting down, next to her and blindly picked the copy of "The Law society gazette". Reading the name, he dropped it immediately as if it burned his fingers, getting a glare from Anjali.

  "Di, they will turn you into a bookworm one day. Is this all you get? The Law, Barristers,.. How boring you have become.."

"Akash may be you should employ her. 

She will be a good asset to the company. " Anjali changed the topic. She knew how business ran in Raizada's blood, academics ran in Sharma's.

"Employ whom?" came the reply from the door. Jaws dropped. Both Akash and Anjali stared at the door.

No sooner had they got over the shock, they heard a loud and cheerful, "Namaste Anjali ji..."

Khushi stood at the door with her mouth open, eyes as big as saucers...

Phew... one more chapter done.. how was it....

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