Chapter 19 Eupathy

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Eupathy: state of contentment

In which Bam and Evolet are more than content with how things are going now, but the team is being driven to the brink of insanity by the pair.


The team was in awe at the house Evolet rented for them. Usually she would've picked a small house just enough to accommodate herself and Bam. But since the team had 9 members, she had to rent a house bigger than normal. With all of them seated in the living room, Evolet started giving out her instructions.

"Listen well. I'll take care of the team's expenses but that doesn't mean all of this is for free. We will be participating in mock events for both training purposes and get extra Points. I expect all of you to train properly with the training regimen I will design later. Chores will be distributed among the members and you can pick which chore you want on the board over there. And before we start, I want to ask who's confident in their cooking?"

For a moment no one dared to raise their hands, some of them even looked away. Evolet immediately marked the ones that avoided her gaze as kitchen disasters. Goseng and Horyang hesitantly raised their hands, claiming they weren't good but quite decent at it. Exhaling a sigh, Evolet  smiled playfully and thanked them for their truthfulness.

"Then… Viole and I will cook. We'll take turns for breakfast and dinner per week. As for lunch we'll just cook together or order takeaway." Seeing how no one was against the decision, Evolet showed a satisfactory nod before resuming.

"Now let's get to room arrangements. There are five bedrooms so one person will have the privilege of having a room all to themselves. Miseng and Goseng will be in one room, is that fine with you?"

Evolet glanced over at the sister pair, asking for confirmation which they gave immediately. Humming lightly, she continued to list off the room pairings. Wangnan was with Arkraptor while Horyang was paired with Prince. At that moment, they all thought that Evolet was going to be rooming with Yihwa while Bam would get a room all to himself. They were totally wrong.

"–And Yeon-san will be roomed alone. Are there any objections?"




It took a while to register in everyone's minds, but once it did they all shouted a collective "HA?!"

"What do you mean Eve?! We're both girls so shouldn't room together? And Viole's a boy for Jahad sake!" Yihwa protested to her, against the room arrangements.

… "Yes? We've always slept together though…?"


They were sure their souls flew out of their body with that revelation. And that was only the start. It gradually came to light that the two FUG members weren't quite dating, but they unknowingly act like it. Meaning, the team was completely and utterly exasperated with their domestic fluff and they were about to go crazy from watching the pair. That room arrangement was the beginning of everything.

The mornings with team Sweet and Sour typically leaned more towards the peaceful side, but with subtle chaos mixed in since most of them were still sleepy. Bam and Evolet would take turns cooking, one week it would be Evolet cooking breakfast while Bam cooked dinner and vice versa. One thing the team quickly noticed was that whenever Bam would cook breakfast, Evolet would still be fast asleep in their shared room. And when Evolet was cooking breakfast, a sleepy Bam could be seen latching to her back. The first few days they saw the scene, it threw everyone for a loop. Wangnan, Yihwa, and Prince could be seen hiding behind the counter while they stared suspiciously at the duo.

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