Chapter 37 Éclat

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Éclat: publicity; dazzling effect; brilliance; applause

In which that basically sums up the whole chapter.


The moment Khun laid his eyes on the bluenette on the stage, she instantly struck him as odd. Odd as in familiar, that is. The suspicion he had when Evolet showed him the profile came back rushing to his mind. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding, cobalt blue eyes widening as he focused solely on her.

Her blue-violet orbs twinkled like the Shinsu night sky, gaze raking over the crowd before settling at Khun and met his own cobalt blue eyes. Luscious pink lips curling into a knowing smile that Khun recognized all too well. As if Khun would ever mistake those eyes and smile of hers. That, without a doubt, was Evolet in disguise.

And apparently she also figured his position out in a glance. She always had some sort of ways around things, he thought. Similarly to how she knew Bam would be fine on the Floor of Tests or how she pinpointed him in the middle of this crowd even though he's undercover right now. If he didn't know any better, he would've chucked it up to fate or destiny.

He jolted in surprise when the Regulars let out the loudest cheers he's ever heard, bumping into the counter behind him and hissing from the pain. In the midst of the chaos in his mind, his thoughts were still going about on full speed. He would never mistake Evolet, so he was sure Muse was the same person.

Truth to be told, it was a completely groundless claim which was out of Khun’s character. Despite that he was confident in himself. He simply felt as if he’ll recognize Evolet no matter the circumstances. A soft scoff escaped his lips when he realized the sheer absurdity of his thoughts, but he didn’t comment further on it.

Though he was somewhat confused by the turn of events. They were dealing with FUG’s Slayer Nominee, Jue Viole Grace who turned out to be the 25th Bam who supposedly died on the Floor of Tests. His partner was Yvette who was actually Evolet who went missing on the same Floor of Tests. And now he discovered that Evolet was in truth Muse, the rumored top E-rank idol who was on the very same stage. Wasn’t there too many secret identities on the line? He couldn’t deny it was convenient, though he wondered if she had any more tricks up her sleeves.

There was a lingering unease in his mind, remembering how her name hadn’t been written on the Workshop Battle invitation and instead she participated as Muse. That would mean whoever invited her here was in the position to do so and knew of her real identity. He could think up quite a few people that fit that criteria, but he had no proof and he doubted Evolet would tell him either. Dangerous, his mind screamed. But it was a tempting danger he was well-versed in, and no doubt Evolet was too. She seemed to be doing well, so he could probably trust her on this. He’ll make a backup plan right after this, just in case.

The words Hwaryun said was ringing in his mind, how she told him that Evolet was taking care of the political matters in FUG instead of Bam. That was most likely the reason why she had a lot of connections, it wouldn’t be hard for her to sneak into these types of events though he wondered why an idol out of all things. It was because Yunuen thought of it from Jinsung’s nonchalant comment then Hansung and Jinsung just went on board with it, but Khun didn’t need to know that.

His eyebrows furrowed as he felt a stare at him, glancing at the source only to find Evolet exchanging pleasantries with the host and subtly glancing at him every once in a while with an underlying worry. Khun released a breath he didn't know he was holding when their eyes met, relaxing as he leaned back to the counter with a hint of a relieved smile behind his mask. He should save his worries for later. Regardless of the reason and method, Evolet was in front of him right now. He might as well enjoy the performance.

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