Chapter 45 Estaminet

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Estaminet: small bar or cafe

In which Ran and Novick are really just third wheeling in the cafe, and there's a reason why you shouldn't flirt with Eve when Khun's around.


Unlike the original scene in the webtoon, we currently have Khun, Rak, nearly all the members of team Sweet and Sour were there with the exception of Goseng, Horyang, and Arkraptor. They didn’t know what to make out of this situation as they observed Bam and Endorsi from afar. It was painstakingly obvious to them that Bam was out of it.

At times he would be unfocused while another he would seem jittery almost as if he’s searching for someone, Endorsi was not impressed. The cause of it was undoubtedly because a certain purplette wasn’t by his side. The very same purplette who spotted her team earlier and now was currently standing behind them.

“...what are you doing?” The members of Sweet and Sour blinked at the overly familiar voice, slowly facing backwards and freezing up as they saw Evolet standing nonchalantly. It was silent for a moment before they broke out into a surprised scream to which Evolet flinched at the sheer volume as she backed up and bumped into Khun.

She smiled sheepishly at the bluenette who only shook his head exasperatedly at the team's behavior. Though he himself also came here because of the same reason. "They were too worried to leave the two alone."

Evolet's gaze wandered to the pair of brunettes not far from them, staring at them silently for a while with a wistful smile etched on her lips. "I see…"

Rak huffed irritatedly as he crossed his arms, loudly exclaiming that “weird googly eyes was targeting the black turtle and the blue turtle should do something about it before the purple turtle gets sad” only to get ignored. The team stared at Evolet for a moment before abruptly switching their gaze to Endorsi, eyes burning heatedly once they heard Evolet's melancholic tone. So at the very least today they needed to make sure absolutely nothing will happen between the two, status as a Jahad Princess be damned. Their OTP will sail under their watch and Bam will be with Evolet, they'll make sure of that.

Khun, on the other hand, took one glance at Evolet and immediately understood what her gaze meant. There was a longing in her blue-violet orbs, yet at the same time a readiness to let go at any given time regardless of the pain. As if she was saying that Bam deserved someone much better than her. Evolet was never the one to believe unless you prove to her single-mindedly that you needed her by your side forever. Bam may not have that single-minded focus, but Khun knew the worth of each jewel he's come across. And she was one he'd never let go of.

So he smirked softly as he extended a hand towards her, cobalt blue eyes gleaming playfully in place of its usual slyness. “Shall we go now?”

The mellow smile was back on her lips, eyes brightening at the offer and the hand he reached out to her. Evolet didn’t hesitate to place her hand in his, and Khun grasped the smaller hand with an indescribable care that you wouldn’t expect from him. “Lead the way, Khun-san.”

The team watched wordlessly as the pair walked away in comfortable silence, opting to not butt in for once since Evolet seemed like she needed a cheering up. But that certainly didn’t stop them to make eye contact with each other, coming to a decision in a split second to split the team in two to observe both Bam and Evolet. They’ll let Khun have her just for the day because a sad Evolet was a big no-no and their best bet was to leave it to Khun, with proper surveillance of course.

The soft ringing of the cafe’s doorbell announced their arrival, momentarily gaining the whole cafe’s attention with their breathtaking features. Though quite unfortunately for the cafe’s occupants, they seemed to be “together” going by how they were holding each other’s hands. Some of them backed off quickly, some weren’t wise enough to do so.

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