Chapter 31 Rubescent

514 31 29

Rubescent: growing red; blushing

In which Khun tries to make Evolet blush and it backfires without a single effort.


Most of the team was splayed on the ground, completely spent from the intense training Khun subjected them to. The initiator had dismissed them earlier, going off to who knows where and leaving the team to their own thoughts. Wangnan got up shakily, dragging himself to the door as he complained a little. Dan greeted him immediately, in the middle of tying his shoelaces and about to head to the backyard.

"Hey, Sweet and Sour! You finished early today!"

"Hey, Dan! Is it okay for you to move now?" The blond asked out of concern.

The scout grinned cheekily as he replied. "The doctor told me to get some rest, but I need to move at this point to heal faster. Besides, Eve promised that she'll teach me a technique to increase my speed today."

"Eve... did? We just finished training tho-..." Wangnan's words trailed off, remembering how the boulder shattered into smithereens once it came in contact with Evolet's shields. His mind couldn't conjure up a single incident when she had difficulties during the training sessions. On the contrary, she even still had more than enough energy to bring refreshments to them at the end of the day.

Dan could only laugh heartily at Wangnan's thinking face, clearly knowing what went through his little train of thoughts. Groaning pitifully at his previous sentence, Wangnan swiftly changed the topic. "Well, I won't hold you up anymore. Eve is probably already waiting outside anyway. Just don't push yourself."

"It's okay! Everyone's doing their best so, so I should too. I need to get used to my new legs too. Anyway, the test is tomorrow, right? Will it be okay with just the seven of you? If you fail tomorrow, you can't even go to the Workshop Battle." The notion itself was ridiculous enough to make Wangan break out in bouts of laughter, tumbling down the floor as he clutched his stomach. Dan could only sweatdrop at the sight, heading to the door silently as Wangnan wiped his fake tears and spoke up.

"To be honest... The fact that I'm taking the test without Viole and Horyang makes me nervous. Nobody's really saying it outloud... but everyone must be feeling their absence. But... that's exactly why. All of us as a team know that Eve and Viole are the inseparable pair in battle. If Eve isn't saying anything about it and just keeps pushing on forward, then we all know best to support her. Besides... All of us, without an exception, trust Eve enough to know she'll cover us without fail in the fight. The Workshop Battle will be a different story since both of them won't be there... but we'll figure something out. At that time, we'll also be counting on you, Dan."

A grin could be seen on Dan's face as he turned the doorknob, replying with a reassuring "Likewise" before he headed out. When the backyard came to view, Dan found that Evolet was nowhere to be seen although Prince and Miseng were lying on the grassy ground. He could hear bits and pieces of their conversation as he approached them. Miseng stood up abruptly, small fists clenched and eyes shadowed by her bangs.

"Where are you going?" Prince asked curiously at the girl.

"To train."

The answer was so simple and yet Prince was nonetheless surprised by it. "What?! Train?! Training is over today!"

"I want to see Viole and Teddy Bear. So... I'll do my best to meet them... I don't want to lose them again... Like my parents..." Miseng was sniffling, trying to hold back her tears miserably as she attempted to stay strong amidst all the stack of events.

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