Chapter 41 Emberlucock

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Emberlucock: to confuse; to bewilder

In which Wangnan and Beta get confused and Eve is utterly bewildered by the excuses of a so-called "date" fruit. But Khun doesn't miss the chance to ask her out on a date.


When Wangnan regained his consciousness, he felt like he was just pulled out of water. Groaning with a slight headache and feeling all too bleary. But the first thing that came to his dazed mind and blurry sight was, there was an angel. Sky blue locks framing her face perfectly, and the somewhat familiar blue-violet eyes staring down at him with worry although all he could hear was muddled voices. And Wangnan giggled, feeling extremely happy for some reason.

"Miss angel, are you here to heal me?"

Said "angel" suddenly froze up and Wangnan swore he heard bouts of laughter near him. He let out a small sad noise as the angel shook her head exasperatedly before pulling away from his vision. But he couldn't find the strength in him to stand up.

The other occupants in the room were laughing uncontrollably, thoroughly amused by Wangnan's deliriousness. Good thing Bam was still in an ignorant state, otherwise Wangnan would have another threatening glare right at him.

"Well, his wounds are healed but he looks like he's high now." Khun said with an annoyed frown as the blond mumbled incoherently.

"I think I messed up the Shinsu proportions a little… The effects won't last long though, 1 hour at most so it should be fine." The "angel" aka Evolet hummed thoughtfully as she referenced the medical book she got from Gustang. She'll have to practice more after this so that the techniques can actually be used in battles without the side effects.

A certain Researcher from the Workshop they brought from the Workshop nodded, agreeing with what Evolet said. "Yes, it seems like there's no problem. He'll regain full consciousness in about 30 minutes or so. Still… I've heard of it before but I've never actually seen someone capable of using healing Shinsu properties. Not only were the research papers hard to get, apparently you need an extremely refined Shinsu control to execute it."

There was a hint of blush decorating Evolet's cheeks at the compliment. Yunuen smiled fondly at that, patting her head to which Evolet replied with a grin. "Thank you, Sophia-san. It's really nothing much though, considering I'm still only a beginner. And in the case of Horyang-san…"

Her words trailed off, eyebrows furrowed as she thought back to Horyang's condition. The Devil in his right arm was gone, taken by Cassano and now he's in a comatose state because of that. They have no choice but to take the Devil from Cassano again.

Then all of the sudden the bluenette perked up again, this time looking at Beta. "Ah, but– I can help stabilize Beta-san so that he doesn't have to take the Workshop medicine anymore."

The blond frowned a little at the attention focused on him now, though Sophia looked pleasantly surprised and glad at the new information. Evolet had to admit that she wasn't actually surprised that Beta was with them now. The most they got out of her was a slight widening of her eyes before she smiled and greeted him like any other person would, introducing themselves.

Which led to where they are now. After a lot of convincing and a bit of help dragging him away, Bam reluctantly parted with Evolet after she promised him to cuddle afterwards and they left her alone in a room with Beta as she used the excuse of needing to "concentrate". He was sitting cross-legged on the floor with Evolet kneeling behind him, hands on his bare back after he stuttered like a young boy when she told him to take his top shirt off.

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