Hanahaki Special

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Welcome. To my pitiful (long) shot at angst. I love Hanahaki AU! too much to not do it at least once :) I'll let you be the judge of how I did (*´ω`*)


Hanahaki AU!

Hanahaki: An illness born of unrequited love, where the victim of one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated.


Always, he's had that dream since he was little every day without fail. A vast lavender field and a girl overly familiar to him. It was his solace, an irreplaceable sense of safety and warmth that would accompany him whenever he spent time with the girl. His memory would be too hazy to remember the girl in his dreams, but a sense of longing filled him whenever he was on the verge of remembering her name.

"My name is Bam. Who are you?"

"I am… ______"

"–Rachel! Why can't I go with you?!"

"I told you Bam, Tower University isn't a place you can just apply to without thinking twice. I'm going there so I can chase the stars! You need to continue your studies here."

She just pushed him away, swiftly getting into the car. Bam ran as fast as he could, screaming at the top of his lungs while desperately chasing after the car. Soon enough he ran out of energy, collapsing on the deserted road. Panting from exhaustion, he doesn't understand why Rachel would leave him for the stars. But he'll get into Tower University no matter what it takes.

Bam considered himself lucky when he encountered Yuri and Evan who were kind enough to help him submit his application in the nick of time. The entrance exam consisted of several parts. In the first test area, he encountered Headon and another irregular participant like him. An overwhelming sense of deja vu crashed down at him when the aroma of lavender invaded his nostrils. A girl with flowing knee length pale lavender hair and reflective blue-violet eyes that stared into the very core of his soul.

“My name is Bam. Who are you?”

“I am… Evolet.”

“Will you become my friend?”

“Of course, Bam. Anything for you.”

It was supposed to be their first meeting, but it feels as if they've known each other for years. The way they work together flawlessly as if capable of reading each other's minds. Their first and third tests relied heavily on teamwork, which the students found quite odd but had no choice either than complying. They met Khun and Rak in the second test, forming a balanced team which allowed them to pass the third test with ease. A short break was provided just before the fourth test, and the team found themselves in a short conversation.

They discovered that Rak was here because he overheard the university was highly competitive and often participated in sports tournaments. Khun's reason for applying here was apparently because he wanted to spite his father by taking a completely different major than his family and proving his worth. Bam took the enrollment tests in order to chase Rachel, and Khun concluded that she was his rule. They turned to Evolet, asking her the reason behind her enrollment. Evolet's lips curled up into a smile.

"I'm looking for someone, a boy to be exact."

"Really? Have you found him yet?"

"I suppose you could say that."

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