Chapter 2 Hoddy-noddy

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Hoddy-noddy: a foolish person

In which Rachel is just an utterly foolish person for even thinking about leaving Bam aka one of the world's most precious cinnamon roll.


“Wait Rachel! There’s still someone I want you to meet!” Bam had screamed out those words desperately, but to no avail with Rachel vanishing into the Tower now. He was gasping for breath now, on the edge of having a panic attack if it wasn’t for Evolet suddenly calling out his name from afar. Bam tried to focus on Evolet’s rapidly approaching figure. Evolet was now gripping his shoulders, saying something over and over again. What is she saying…? Oh right, breathe.

“Breathe Bam, breathe. Slowly, take deep breaths. Focus on my voice Bam. Okay? You’re fine. You’ll be fine. Listen to the numbers and breathe. One, I’m still here. Two, you don’t need to worry. Three, it’s okay. Four…” and it continued until Bam’s breathing eventually evened out. Bam was leaning on Evolet’s shoulder, calming himself down, breathing in the soothing lavender aroma that Evolet always seems to emit. Still positioned like that, Evolet started speaking; “Bam… You’re going to chase Rachel aren’t you?”

Bam only nodded into her shoulder and hugged her. Already expecting the answer, Evolet sighed and started explaining about the Tower. “Bam, I’m going to briefly explain about the Tower, and then we’ll also go in okay?”

Bam listened attentively as Evolet explained the floors, tests, sections, shinsu, administrators, and regulars. She also mentioned the irregulars but didn’t go into a detailed explanation about it. He was warned of what may occur in the Tower as they climb up. The Tower was a complicated existence that many people seek out. Their only goal to reach the top, a place where any wish can be granted. There are rules that must be followed and trials that must be conquered for anyone hoping to attain their greatest desires. The Tower is a cruel place where you mustn’t hesitate to hurt people, lest you’ll be hurt yourself. Where betrayal is normal, to kill or to be killed. He can’t believe what she had told him. Rachel had told him that betrayal is something that he should never do, especially to girls. Was the Tower really a place of such? She tells him not to worry and trust her, that she’ll protect him no matter what happens. The door to the Tower opened once more for them. As the blinding light surrounds them, he asks what is her wish. He tried to read her lips, to catch what she said as the door pulled them in and their consciousness faded away.

“What I want is—”

to stay by your side.

When Evolet opened her eyes, she was greeted by the sight of Headon. Deciding to ignore the humanoid rabbit in front of her for a moment, she opted to look around for Bam. Thankfully Bam wasn’t far from her although he was still unconscious. Evolet let out a sigh in relief and shook Bam lightly to wake him up. Bam slightly groaned before he fluttered his eyes open. Seeing the sight of Evolet’s smiling face upon waking up, he blushed before immediately sitting up. Now that Bam’s woken up, Evolet switched her attention to Headon who was waiting patiently. With Evolet’s attention on him, Headon started speaking.

“It’s been a while since a visitor has opened the gate by themselves. Not to mention two together… Welcome to the tower young man and… young lady. My name is Headon. I’m the guardian of the first floor of the Tower. What are your names, young man and young lady?” Headon asked while twirling his staff.

Evolet had answered first since she saw Bam was still processing the newfound information “It’s nice to meet you Headon-san. My name is Evolet, Evolet Euterpe. Though in all honesty, I doubt you don’t know my name…”

Headon only gave a hum in response to her “And what about you young man?”

Bam finally snapped out of it and introduced himself “My name is… “the 25th Bam.” It’s the day I was born.”

Headon pondered over the introduction “What a difficult name to say. Well then, I will call you Bam, boy. And I will call the young lady over there Evolet. So, how did you two end up here?”

When Headon had said that, Bam finally remembered why in the first place he came here “OH…!! I followed a girl here! Didn’t a girl with blonde hair go past here?!” he asked, half shouting.

Evolet tuned out the rest of the conversation, already knowing where this is going. Instead, she turned her back to Bam and tested her shinsu a bit in preparation for the upcoming test. Seeing the shinsu floating calmly around her hands, she nodded assuredly before turning back to Bam after being called by Headon for the test. Bam looked into Evolet’s eyes, worry apparent in his. Evolet only let out a soft grin before she took Bam’s hand and followed Headon.

“Look. This is the test of the first floor.” Headon tapped the wall behind him with his rod. The wall dispersed, revealing the cage containing white armored eel, surrounded by shinsu. The white armored eel was looming in the cage with a menacing aura. Headon revealed that the name of the test was “The Ball”.

Bam looked confused “What… What is the ball? And… What is that huge monster?!”

“The “Ball” is a simple test. The “Ball” is that round human-sized sphere. It is designed to pop when hit hard enough. To pass the test, the rules are simple. You need to go inside the bars and pop that ball. Do that, and you pass the test.”

“Could it be… That the monster… Is that thing over there?!”

“Correct! That’s the monster. He is a “White Armored Eel”. He is a big fish that lives in the shinsu flowing through the tower. Usually, he has a very mild temperament… But this time of the year is his spawning season, and he hasn’t eaten anything for a few months… So he is very aggressive at the moment. Are you afraid of him…?”

Bam stayed silent for a moment and Headon had thought that he was indeed scared of the white armored eel. As if smirking with his non-existent mouth, Headon continued “Too bad. If you are afraid of that fish, how can you pass the test? How can you go on? If you’re afraid, you’ll never find the girl you’re looking for.”

That shook Bam out of his silent thoughts. Evolet was only watching from the sideline, not uttering a word. She knew Headon was testing Bam. Bam needed to show that he has the will to climb the tower at any price, like they all did. “A girl alone in this tower… It sure makes me worry. Maybe she’s already been eaten by a hungry eel… or been kidnapped by bad people… But Mr. Bam, Ms. Evolet, think calmly.”

‘Oh, now you include me to the conversation’, she thought .

“It is almost impossible for you to pop that ball. Taking this test is suicidal.”

At this point, anything that Headon is saying won’t get through Bam. One look is enough. Evolet could clearly see the apparent determination on Bam’s face. She could only let out a soft smile.

I’ll help you. I’ll stay as long as I can. I’ll give you all of my strength. Whatever it is you’ve decided, I’ll follow all the way through.

“The eel is very fast and agile in the shinsu, and you won’t be fast enough to escape. You will end up as eel food. Rather than committing suicide-”

Bam threw a look at Evolet’s way and with one look he understands. She’s prepared for this, long before he did. That warm gaze Evolet gave was a method of letting him know that she’ll follow him. And so without even waiting for Headon to finish, Bam started running. It took Headon by surprise for a moment. But he snickered, more so seeing Evolet following close behind him.

‘The boy doesn’t know who she is. The monster had come to the tower, bringing the promised one with him without a clue of what’s going to happen.’ Headon thought.

“Welcome to the Tower, Mr. Bam. And welcome back, Ms. Evolet.”

The cool scenario was cut off by a shout and a foot to Bam’s face… And that just registered to Evolet’s mind.


Evolet rushed to check Bam and saw that there was a footprint on his face as he lay dazedly there. Sighing, she drew some shinsu and enveloped the palms of her hands with it before covering Bam’s face. In a few moments, Bam’s face was void of any footprint. With that taken care of, Evolet diverted her attention to the person who kicked Bam. They stared at each other, eyes full of curiosity. As Evolet blinked, the staring match broke and the raven-haired woman started speaking.

Evolet and Bam stayed silent, not really knowing what to answer to the woman who hasn’t even introduced herself and was speaking in a language they don’t know.

Evolet tried to ask who she was, but it didn’t seem like the woman could understand her. But that had proven the woman’s suspicion as she turned to Headon. “Hey, Headon, don’t tell me you didn’t even give them their pockets yet.”

“Oh! Come to think of it, I forgot to give them their pockets.”

“You forgot? You’re the oldest guardian in the tower, aren’t you? I think it was on purpose.”

“No way. I too, make mistakes sometimes.”

Amidst the dark look the woman was giving out and Headon’s nonchalant answers, Evolet and Bam were just sitting and seeing things unfold without even understanding what was happening. It appears the woman had called someone since a silver-haired man who was… quite short jumped and landed near her. The man offered two spheres to Bam and Evolet, urging them to touch it. Now that the language barrier was out of the way with the help of the pockets, Bam and Evolet could finally understand what the people were saying. Introductions were made along with the pocket’s invisible mode and some thank you’s.

Yuri obviously had doubts about whether Bam and Evolet could pass the test or not, considering that this test is more suited for the 20th floor or above. But she didn’t notice how neither Bam nor Evolet asked what irregulars were. She just kept pointing out how weak Bam looked like. And now she was pointing at Evolet, about to say the same things about her. But when she saw Evolet’s eyes, not even bothering the sadness behind them, she hesitated. Evolet’s head drooped further down, relenting herself to hear what Yuri had to say. That did the job, Yuri couldn’t bear the guilt.

“Ugh… She-sh-she… Argh, nevermind”

Hearing how Yuri stopped, Evolet perked up and went to hug Yuri. Yuri sighed in defeat and patted Evolet’s head, not minding Evan’s deadpan look. Headon had also relented with all the stuff that Yuri spoke and agreed to change the rules a bit so that Yuri could lend them the Black March. Yuri was clearly hesitant since there would be consequences if the news that she lent it got out. But after asking for Bam’s and Evolet’s names, she decided to give Black March to Bam with his show of determination. Now Yuri was looking at Evolet who was standing near Bam, silently asking about her. She got a smile in return along with an answer “I’ll be fine Yuri-san. Thank you for lending your weapon to Bam. I won’t be needing a weapon.”

Bam nodded and also said “Thank you, Yuri-san. I promise to give this back.”

Evan’s outrageous shouts were ignored in the background. As Bam and Evolet were walking towards the cage, Evolet asked Bam “Bam, do you trust me?”

Bam’s smile was still as bright as the sun. “With my life Eve!”

Evolet’s smile was no less than that in its own way though. While her smile might not be as bright as the sun, it still gives you a soft and calming presence like the moonlight. “Then, can you close your eyes and cover your ears as soon as we go in the cage? And no opening it until I help you with it.”

The confusion was evident in Bam's expression. But regardless of that, he nodded his head and trusted her. Without caring about the white armored eel at a distance in front of him, he did what she told her to do.


Evolet’s POV

As Bam did what I told, Yuri shouted relentlessly outside the cage, and Evan was donning a face of disbelief. I just flashed them a smile and mouthed an “It’s okay” before I stepped in front of Bam and looked at the white armored eel. I don’t need to say anything. I put my arms out, gesturing for the white armored eel to come to me. At first, he didn’t move, but eventually, he swam slowly and headed towards me. When it stopped in front of me, I patted his head gently to assure that I don’t mean any harm. As I sensed his malice and tension fading away, I put my forehead on his and closed my eyes. The Shinsu around us weaving themselves into invisible strings, bounding the contract.

Under the name of the contract, I shall name thee. Thy name is Amos.


3rd Person POV

When she opened her eyes, the white armored eel’s figure was nowhere to be seen in the cage. But she could feel the white armored eel as the Shinsu strings from their contract sways around her, unseen by anyone else. She smiled; she just got a new comrade after all. She noticed how Yuri’s shouts had receded so she turned around and saw how Yuri was now donning the same look of disbelief with Evan. Headon was humming. Then Evolet took off Bam’s hands that were covering his ears and told him to open his eyes. He glanced around here and there, searching for the white armored eel that was nowhere to be seen. Innocent golden eyes locked with kind blue-violet ones, having a silent conversation only through their gazes.

Meanwhile outside the cage,Yuri was also having a conversation with Evan albeit with hushed whispers only. “Oi Evan… I wasn’t seeing things right? That eel glowed and then disappeared right? Right??!” she asked with a hint of excitement in her tone.

“Ah… Yes, I think so Princess.”

Headon let out a muffled laugh “But of course. She is an exceptional Anima after all. Mr. Bam doesn’t seem to know about it though. Not that Ms. Evolet seems to have any intention of telling him either at the moment.”

On the other hand, the silent conversation in the cage seemed to be over and now the duo was getting ready to pop the ball. Or more specifically, Bam is; since Evolet doesn’t have a weapon to pop the ball with after all. But once Bam struck the ball with Black March, nothing happened. This of course shocked Yuri, Evan, and Bam. Evolet was frowning at Headon. She should’ve guessed it; Headon is overly mischievous after all. Yuri was complaining to Headon how atrocious this is. Bam was frozen in place. Evan decided to take a bet and told Bam to ignite the weapon. Which Bam did and in turn let Yuri know that Black March doesn’t want to ignite for her simply because she prefers male. As the ball distorted, teleporting Bam and Evolet to the next floor in an overly ominous way that made Yuri worried; Evolet noticed how Headon was staring at her.

I know Headon, I know. That person is already waiting for me… But let me stay just for a while longer by his side… Just a little while more.



Aha...ha... sorry, technical problems and all :v I feel like my writing style changes every time I write and that's kind of bothering me... But alas, I did finish writing the chapter and it's finally out ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ Right on schedule ofc :p But then again in some places it might be already Sunday and in some it might still be Saturday or might even be Monday already, different time zones :v Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Next chapter it's finally time for Khun and Rak to show up :3 One more thing. I made an Instagram account dedicated for my writing related stuff only (cus I don't wanna reveal myself :p does this count as advertising? Probably is). You might see some spoilers about the story from time to time there, along with a few sneak peeks of some other stories I'm planning to write. There will also be writing cheat sheets (because I cannot survive writing without the help of these ._.). But yeah, feel free to check it out. The account name is Fois_D_Ciel. Stay home and stay healthy dear readers, I'll be seeing you again next week :3

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