Chapter 35 Oxyacaesthesia

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Oxyacaesthesia: extreme sharpness of senses

In which extreme sharpness of senses might as well count as predicting the future and Gustang might just be a somewhat better person than she remembered


Evolet exhaled lightly. Thanking the staff with a bright smile at the end of rehearsal before going back to her room, utterly oblivious as to how their gazes were following her figure with hearts in their eyes. The Game of Plug was about to start and she had no doubt Gustang was already in the waiting room. Goodness knows what kind of scheme he was cooking up.

Rak should've met Khun by now if he didn't get lost again like yesterday. That should give Khun the last piece of reassurance he needed in order to tackle the Workshop Battle seriously. Now all that's left to do is to play her part correctly so that they can escape safe and sound. Faintly she wondered how it was going on Yunuen's side. He did say something about Wolhaiksong, but he hasn't contacted her in quite a while now. Though knowing Yunuen then he'll be fine.

Now clad in casual clothes, she hurriedly headed to the waiting room. Arriving just in time as the battle was about to start. Gustang only glanced at her briefly, motioning for her to sit down beside him with a cup of tea at the ready. She could hear the game starting, announcement and commentary booming along the hallways through the speaker.

Evolet's blue-violet orbs gleamed in joy when she saw Bam at the Grand Stadium. Indiscreetly, her fingertips moved nimbly every now and then as she listened to the information the Shinsu strings were relaying to her. She could hear the whispers and the murmurs of the Regulars below as she sipped her tea calmly.

Look! It’s Jue Viole Grace!!

I knew he’d join the battle

He’s smaller than I thought he would be

I heard he beat one of the top two E-rank teams by himself

Where’s his partner?

Partner? Ah, you mean Yvette right?

It’s weird to not see them together

Maybe she won’t be participating?

I mean, it is an individual battle and she’s just support isn’t she?

Oi, oi, watch your mouth or the Slayer Nominee will kill you

It didn’t come as a surprise that they would be a hot topic with the Regulars. She couldn’t deny that sometimes the rumors might be a tad bit exaggerated, but it does hold true to a certain degree. There were bound to be a few Regulars whose interests will be piqued by his status as a Slayer Nominee or…

A random participant ran up to Bam, clasping his hands with a hopeful gaze. The Regular started spouting off reasons and how he really wanted to meet Bam. Telling his sob story along with how his hopes of the Slayer Nominee would bring Jahad and the Ten Great Families to their knees. Some other Regulars also began shouting their approval and wishes to him.

or they’ll put their expectations on him to get their own revenge.

Displeased by the turn of events going on downstairs despite having expected it beforehand, Evolet frowned as she put her cup of tea down on the table. If she was beside Bam then she would’ve squeezed his hand reassuringly and told him there was no need for him to listen to them.

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