Star Crossed Lovers pt 2

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The 25th Bam, who goes by Jue Viole Grace now, was supposed to be a happy man. He had a girlfriend whom he loved dearly, friends who supported him through the darkest of times, a caring family, a job he was passionate about, and by no means was he short on wealth either. Jue Viole Grace was supposed to be a happy man, except he wasn't.

He was lost in thoughts as he walked to where he promised to meet his girlfriend. There's always been something missing in his life, one that he can't put his hands on but he just knows it. Almost as if he was incomplete, a part of him missing and he could never truly be whole unless he finds it. Whenever he walked around, his gaze would wander all around as if searching for something in particular yet never settling on anything.

He abruptly stopped in his tracks, a purple hue catching his eyes. A cafe of some sort selling out of season lavender tea. His legs were already moving on its own to buy his favorite beverage before he even knew what was happening.

Which is the reason why he was standing awkwardly near the shop, a steaming cup of lavender tea in his hands. Sometimes he wondered why he was so keen on buying lavender tea all the time. He even had stocks of various dried lavender buds, testing every single method he could get his hands on. His friends were convinced he was a lavender tea maniac even. He swears he isn't but they don't believe him.

A sigh escaped his lips after tasting the lavender tea he just bought. It wasn't the one he was looking for either. He claimed that it was his favorite beverage. But really there was still something missing from it. Sometimes it wasn't sweet enough, at times the fragrance wasn't right, there were times the temperature was off too. The taste of nostalgia he was searching for couldn't be found anywhere. Yet if he closed his eyes and focused on the taste he could almost see an oddly familiar figure smiling softly at him and the warmth of her voice ringing gently in his mind.

He misses her, but he doesn't know her… right?

His train of thoughts stopped as he heard his phone ringing in his pocket. A small smile curled on his lips as he saw his girlfriend's name on the screen. He immediately picked up the call. "Rachel, what's wrong?"

Rachel was clearly irritated judging from her tone. "Viole, you said that you'll be here by 7 pm. It's already like, past 5 minutes. I purposefully set aside time for you this Christmas instead of spending it with my friends, so hurry up would you?"

Looking at his phone, Viole noticed that he was indeed already 5 minutes late from the promised time. He immediately apologized to Rachel, saying that he’s already near and he’ll arrive in about 5 more minutes. And she promptly hung up after telling him to hurry up. Viole sighed as the corner of his lips tugged into a small frown. Rachel’s been cancelling their dates here and there, so really he should be grateful that she set aside some time for him and he should just focus on their date right now.

That being said, he threw the empty cup to the nearest trash can before running off to the city square. He ran amidst the landscape of white, feeling a slight chill whenever a snowflake would land on him. It was the perfect date scenario for all the lovers out there considering the day. He briefly wondered if a small miracle of some sorts would happen today, it was white Christmas and his birthday after all. If only he knew what was going to happen, maybe he wouldn’t have asked for any miracle. But then again, at least he found what… or rather who he was looking for.

Viole had been looking around the city square for quite a while now, Rachel nowhere in sight and there were no new messages notifying her whereabouts. A light shade of purple entered his sight, taking his breath away effortlessly. His hand had reached out instinctively, grasping a wrist that was smaller than his. Light lavender hair swayed delicately as its owner turned around, a deep blue-violet gaze of the night painted with surprise and confusion as they stared into golden hues akin to the beaming sun.

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