New Year Special

397 21 43

"Khun-san can really do everything..."

Evolet stared at the mirror in slight awe, particularly at Khun's reflection that was still working magic with his hands. He was in the middle of styling her light lavender hair to a braided updo. Khun frowned slightly when she moved, telling her to stay still since he needed to put the finishing touches to which Evolet simply smiled at. There was a proud smirk on his face as he backed away, adoring how his blue bandanna was safely nestled in the braid and how Evolet practically wore it everywhere.

Standing upright, she twirled around once to check if she was wearing the kimono properly. Khun chuckled at her actions, gently placing a tender kiss on her cheek and smoothly complimented her.

“Don’t worry, you look beautiful no matter what.”

Not expecting the sudden compliment, a soft blush bloomed across her cheeks and painted it a vibrant pink. She tilted her head down, avoiding Khun’s piercing gaze that conveyed how he was relishing in her response. He outstretched a hand to her, telling her that Bam was already waiting downstairs so they should go soon. This time she met his eyes without hesitation, smiling with rosy cheeks as she took his hand and went downstairs.

Bam immediately perked up once he saw the both of them, running up excitedly without wasting any time to hug Evolet as always. The purplette welcomed him in open arms, hugging him back without restraint. With a fond sigh, Khun also joined in the hug, sandwiching Evolet between them. Evolet herself was more than glad to stay like that until she realized she couldn’t escape. The same instant she tried to move, Bam would only hug her even tighter.

“Both of you… if we don’t go soon then we’ll be late.” was what she wanted to say, but her voice ended up being muffled on Bam’s chest.

She could hear their chuckles at her attempt, swiftly understanding that they were doing this on purpose to tease her. Sighing playfully with exasperation from their daily teasing, Evolet pinched Bam’s back hard. As to be expected, the brunette immediately let go of her with a yelp although more playful than pained.

She looked upwards at Khun whose hands were still circling her waist without any intention of letting go. Judging from the glint in those sharp cobalt blue eyes, it was easy to see that Khun was having too much fun with this.

"Is there something on my face? You're staring quite intensely at me, Eve~" Said bluenette simply smiled at her as he asked that question. So she decided to play along with his scheme.

“Yes, there’s something on your face, Khun-san.” He actually looked taken aback for once, releasing Evolet and reaching out to his face to see if there was really anything. In the split moment, he didn’t notice how Evolet was grinning now. Before he could react, Evolet pulled him down by his collar and smoothly gave a peck on his cheek.

“It was me.” She said mischievously. He abruptly broke into a full on blush, realizing she just tricked him deviously. His face was beet red, stuttering while covering his cheek with his hand. Evolet kept smiling at him as she reached out to caress his cheek, hand overlapping with the one that he was covering his cheek with.

“You look handretty as always, Khun-san.” There goes his dignity and confidence. By now his face was completely steaming red. Throat parched suddenly and a flustered mess as he failed to form words. He knew handretty wasn’t even a proper word, but his mind just doesn’t want to work anymore after he heard those words from Evolet.

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