Chapter 13 Hamartia

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Hamartia: flaw in a character leading to their downfall

In which Evolet's loyalty to Bam will lead to her downfall someday.


True to her words, Evolet only wrote a letter before departing to the upper floors. In the letter she promised to go back before his basic training finished and accompany him climbing the Tower after that. Bam couldn't decide if he should be upset, depressed, or guilty. He stared at the letter whenever he wasn't training. Jinsung only sighed whenever he saw him doing that, rather feeling pity for Evolet for having to deal with his oblivious student.

Meanwhile, Evolet was going up the Tower ferociously. Yunuen wasn't a regular so he watched from the sidelines as Evolet passed the tests with little to no effort with her Anima abilities. Most of the regulars couldn't lift a finger against the Raijuu and the White Armored Eel. Yet Yunuen can't help but frown as he sees her advance with a sense of obligation and clashing emotions in her eyes.

They stopped on each floor for a minimum amount of time, to take the test and to check if the Astrolabe Lantern could detect another Muse Series item on that floor. If no reaction pops up, then they move to the next floor with breathtaking records. Evolet makes a name for herself, the regulars spread the word to be cautious when they see distinct lavender hair and piercing blue-violet eyes.

It's been nearly nine and a half months since they departed. They need to start heading back soon if they want to make it on time. "One more floor. If I can't find anything on the 9th floor then we'll go back."

Evolet clears the 8th floor's test with flying colors, proceeding to the 9th floor with haste. This was as far as they could go in the span of nine and a half months. The two were in Evolet's room, preparing to either go search for the folding fan, or to pack up and leave. Her grip on the Guiding Lantern tightened, for if this search still doesn't bear any fruit then her journey this time round was all for naught.

She closed her eyes, channeling Shinsu into the item and hoped for the best. Astonishment flooded her as the lantern finally showed the reaction she's been waiting for, showing trails of blue mist as the lantern gave out an eerie blue glow in the dark. Both Evolet and Yunuen couldn't be more satisfied with the result. Finally, she sighed in relief. The gamble paid off and the hunt was about to begin.

Led by the wisps of blue mist, Evolet and Yunuen made their way through the woods in the comforting darkness of night. No doubt they would've gotten lost if it wasn't for the lantern's guidance. After an hour or so of walking, they found themselves at a clearing. In the middle of it was a lake surrounded by lily of the valleys. The duo stopped in their tracks, the lantern telling them that this is where the item is supposed to be. Evolet deactivated the lantern since she was also getting tired from the amount of Shinsu needed to maintain the trail.

"Yunuen-san... shouldn't there be a temple or something?"

They stared at the view before them, finding it beautiful. But it wasn't what they're looking for. The lantern directed them here so it shouldn't be wrong. Yunuen gave a smirk, pointing to the lake.

"Remember, Little One. Things may not always be what they seem to be."

Evolet took steps to the lake and leaned down to see into the water. True to Yunuen's words, there was a whole temple submerged in the lake. She wasn't amused by the turn of events, not expecting having to dive for the item. Seeing the exasperated expression on Evolet's face, Yunuen chuckled.

"Should I teach you how to make a Shinsu bubble, Little One?"

"... Yes, please."


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