Chapter 25 Imperscriptible

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Imperscriptible: not recorded; unwritten

In which this chapter is dedicated to Khun Aguero Agnis' unwritten thoughts over the course of Season 1


'Hi, this is Emily.'

'Ask Emily if you have any doubts!!!'

Khun didn't know what he was doing, hoping for something from baseless rumors of the other Regulars. But his hands moved to enter the familiar name anyway.

'The 25th Bam'

'He's alive'

Cobalt blue eyes were fixed on the screen, wide open in disbelief at the unreliable information. He didn't waste a single second to ask again.


'I don't know.'

He considerably slumped down at that, expectations burnt to ashes at the response. By the end of it he was asking the question to a mere device that had no proven credibility after all. It was to be expected. But he found himself still curious, prodding around the topic for a little while.

'Who told you he's alive?

'Do you wonder?'


'That'll cost one dollar!'

Khun could feel the veins in his forehead bulging annoyedly at the response. He was extremely tempted to drive a knife to the small device, but decided against it and put it on the table. He tapped the device repeatedly, pondering who would make such an idiotic joke. He was aware that Shibisu's team wouldn't do anything akin to that. That brought up the question of who knew about Bam other than them. His keen gaze was trained on the screen, seemingly contemplating about something as his fingers nimbly moved to type.

'Evolet Euterpe'

'System Database: E̶m̶p̶t̶y̶'

'❒︎❒︎□︎❒︎: Existence-'

The screen started glitching, a flickering error as the colors in between kept switching and showing various codes before it ultimately shut down. Khun didn't seem to be surprised by it, eyes narrowing at the somewhat familiar incident. He had attempted to search up Evolet's information during his climb only to come up with blanks as his Lighthouse screen glitched, not a single data about the girl. As if it was either her data didn't exist or was kept under tight wraps.

An exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he slicked his hair back. Top that off with the Slayer Nominee Partner that Shibisu told him who sounded all too similar with the girl he met on the Floor of Tests, you have an extremely curious Khun Aguero Agnis who was questioning Evolet's true identity.

He remembers the girl vividly, the sweet relaxing scent of lavender and mesmerizing blue-violet eyes that stared into the very being of himself with a piercing curious gaze. There was no animosity that he was used to from others. Not even a single ounce of wariness towards him, simply an innocent gaze that was too trusting of him.

But as he stared deeper into those very same eyes, he saw himself reflected. The looks of someone who had been broken and pieced together. Yet at the same time he could see the overly familiar gaze of Maria in her. The eyes that screamed of innocence, care, and gentle love who was accepting of the world. His interest was already piqued when he first peered into her eyes that reflected both his and Maria's personality.

[ToG] Muse: Book 1 [Song of the Beginning]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя