Chapter 36 Discombobulate

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Discombobulate: to disconcert; to upset

In which Beta makes Bam upset by pressing a very obvious button.


Before Bam opened the door, he was already aware of the new presence in his waiting room. And it was one he was unfamiliar with. So he was on full caution as the door slid open, revealing a male wearing a red baseball hat sitting on his bed. At first Bam had only exerted caution, but his golden eyes quickly swirled into a chilling glare fitting of a Slayer Nominee.

"You– where did you get that." Bam was focused on the small glass flask in the stranger– Beta’s hold, he’d recognize it anywhere.

Beta raised an eyebrow at the menacing tone, briefly reminded of the bluenette he met yesterday. His gaze switching between the sweet treats in his hands and the Slayer Nominee before he broke out into a taunting grin.

“What does it have to do with you? Even if I killed someone and took this from them, what are you gonna do about it?”

His grin only widened as the brunette lunged at him, golden orbs burning with bloodlust as Beta narrowly dodged his punch packed with raging Shinsu. The blond laughed, dangling the small glass flask from the purple ribbon in front of the silently seething Bam.

“You don’t need to react like that. I got this from someone I helped yesterday. They seemed to be in trouble and gave me this in return for helping them, that’s all.” While that did lessen Bam’s hostility towards him somewhat, it didn’t stop him from narrowing his eyes.

Eve… in trouble?

It’s a possibility that he didn’t exactly want to consider, but they were dealing with FUG so he couldn’t rule it out either. He wanted to trust her that she’ll be able to take care of… whatever was happening without a hitch, but he couldn’t help but worry about her. He didn’t want to see her hurt, or worse. Not that he had any idea how much of a headache she was to the FUG elders on a near daily basis. But she told him to not contact her until the Workshop Battle ends… Too long, far too long, his mind supplied. What if something happened to her during that time and he didn’t know?

“But that aside, don’t you want to know who… or what I am?”

Then there was this blond in front of him, he wondered what kind of trouble Evolet was in that she needed this guy to help. He hasn’t been liking this whole Workshop Battle fiasco so far. Beta didn’t even wait for him to reply before continuing.

“I am– a Living Ignition Weapon.”

“A Living Ignition Weapon…? You...?” And he felt shock overcome him briefly as the new information settled in, feeling his throat drying out and his eyes widening. To be fair he'd briefly heard about it once from Evolet, when she talked with Horyang before he left. But that didn't make him any less surprised, especially when one of said experimentations was right in front of him now.


A storm of emotions swirling in him, Bam could only stay silent while observing Beta. The blond took his silence as a sign of cluelessness, seemingly lacking knowledge about it. “What? You really don’t know anything? It’s kinda disappointing to see The Completed being like this.”

“The Completed…?” Bam frowned at the term he never heard of before.

“Well, you don’t seem to know how to wake the devil yet. But think carefully, why would have FUG brought you here? And why would they try to win this battle? The winning prize of the Workshop Battle is so special because it will belong to the winner forever. So what could this prize that they want to keep forever be?”

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