Done - Donovan x Paul

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So, since the last chapter was based off a song I guess I'll make this one based off one too. (I never really mention the song it's just the name of the title, and the title sounds bad but it really isn't lol)

"Hey Don!" Paul said walking down the hallway and I looked up at him smiling.

"Hey Paul." I smiled as my stomach filled with butterflies.

"You wanna come over? That is, if you aren't to busy with CJ." He smirked.

"What? No!" I laughed and I shut CJ's door behind me. He'll be alright, him and Damian can talk for a while. Besides, I have to spend time with Paul. We haven't got to lately and I love being around him. I mean... why wouldn't I? He's so sweet, and kind, and he always knows how to make me laugh.

"Well are you coming?" He asked halfway down the hallway.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said catching up with him. He waited for me to be beside him to start waking again. 

"You alright?" He asked me smiling.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said looking up at him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair and I hit his hand away smiling.

"What were you doing at CJ's?"

"We were just talking, I'm glad you walked by." I said and he smiled.

"Yeah I am too." He nodded.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"My room I guess." He shrugged. "I don't know, I wasn't planning on having anyone with me." He chuckled.

"Oh well I can go back to my room if you just wanna be alone and..."

"Don it's fine." He smiled. "I like it when your with me." He said and I looked away smiling.

"Thank you?" I asked. "I could say the same about you." I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I felt like I couldn't breathe. He pulled me closer to him and we walked to the elevator. "What were you doing down here?" I asked him. "You don't even stay here." I said and he shrugged.

"I was just walking the halls." He said and I nodded slowly.

"Mhm." I said as we got on the elevator.

"What?" He laughed smiling.

"You weren't just wandering the halls. Who were you looking for?" I smiled and I elbowed him. He laughed and pushed my arm away with his free hand. The elevator opened and he took his arm off of my shoulder.

"Oh hey Paul! I just saw your text." Mike said walking into the elevator. "He's in the room next to mi... oh." He chuckled. "I guess you found him." He said. I elbowed Paul's shoulder as he glared at me.

"Thanks Conley." He said.

"Ouch! Last name? What'd I do?" He chuckled.

"Nothing, you just blew his cover." I said and I smiled at Paul.

"You didn't 'blow my cover'." Paul said imitating me. "I had not cover for you to blow."

"You have something I could blow." I smirked and his eyes grew wide and he pushed my shoulder playfully.

"Shut up Don." He laughed.

"Wait what? I'm confused?"

"We're just joking, obviously." I said. "He walked by me as I was leaving CJ's room and he told me he was just walking around and didn't plan on going back to his room with anyone."

"Oh ok." Mike smiled. "Wait what?! Ok you worded that totally wrong."

"What?" We both said confused.

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