New Beginnings - DeMar DeRozan x Zach LaVine

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Look who's back!!!! Yall I've been writing sooo much on my own I just never post any of it on here so I decided to go ahead and post one of the short things I wrote.

Idk how many of y'all are even still on Wattpad. I might start posting on AO3 as well cause it's seems more people are on there.

Anyways, I know like 90% of y'all are going to hate this tbh. I feel kinda nervous posting it because it's basically destroying the ship that created this fandom... but honestly I've been meaning to write these two for a while cause it was the beginning of the season or something and one of them posted about the other on Instagram or something and I just thought they would be good together. Then I kept up with them all year and kinda created it all in my mind of them two, even tho I'm 1000% sure nobody else has lmao.

Note b4 reading: I wrote this before game 4 of the series because tbh I thought they were going to get swept in 4 so that's why they're in Chicago not Milwaukee lol

Enjoy! (Or don't)

"Damn it." I cursed as I slammed my front door, clearing everything off of my minibar in the process. I stepped over the shattered glass cups scattered on the wood flooring of my apartment, knowing the shards would most likely stay where they were on the floor for a few days. I took the shirt off I had put on a few hours earlier and balled it up in my fists. I went to throw my shirt across the living at the big double windows overshadowing the Chicago skyline, but I stopped myself and let the shirt fall from my hand before letting my arm fall back by my side. Instead of throwing my shirt, which would have probably hurt less, I resulted in kicking a chair from my small two-seat kitchen table. I watched the chair tumble to the floor and slide a few feet before stopping on the carpet leading back to my living room.

"Damn it, Mar," I whispered, calling myself the nickname Zach had given me. I hated it at first, but I'd grown used to it by now. I looked around at the now mess of my apartment, and I felt the anger drain from my body and get replaced with sadness. I sighed, releasing the deep breath I had been holding for a while. I walked past the chair on the floor that I probably would end up replacing because it was now broken and walked into my room. I opened the glass double doors that led to the balcony and felt the wind hit my body. I stepped onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, watching the people and cars pass below me. I watched a kid wearing a Bulls jersey walk down the sidewalk with his parents. He couldn't have been older than eight; staying out this late, I could only assume his parents had taken him to watch the game just for me to let him down. Something about watching him caused my last straw to break.

I felt the tears start well in my eyes, and I cursed myself for even getting close to crying. I put my head against my hands which were folded against the railing, as the tears I had been holding back started to fall down my face. The phone in my back pocket felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as I fought the urge to call him. It's eleven in Chicago, which means it's twelve in Miami; he's probably asleep by now anyway. We promised we'd watch each other's games, though, we promised we'd answer each other whenever they called. I gave in to the temptation to disturb his night and took my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through my contacts, trying to find the name I hadn't talked to in so long. I pressed on his contact, and my finger hovered over his phone number, still debating to call him. Years ago, I would have immediately called him, no questions asked. Things have changed, though; we both got busy, and we both got separate lives.

"Hello?" A voice said as they opened my front door, breaking my thoughts. I took a sharp breath in, silently thanking whoever it was for saving me from my thoughts. "Mar? You in here?" They asked, their voice getting closer to my room. I instantly knew who it was due to the nickname he gave me, the first practice I had with the team. "Can I come in?"

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