LA - Brandon x Kelly

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"Hey." I said answering my phone. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to make sure you were gonna come over after the game."

"Of course!" I said smiling. "How could I not stop by and see my favorite person on the planet?"

"Shut up Kelly." He chuckled and I smiled.

"Well I'll see you on the court." I said.

"Yep see ya." He said.

"Bye B."

"By Kelz." He said and we hung up. I haven't seen Brandon in what feels like forever! I just wish it wasn't under the circumstance that we had to play each other. I laid down and my mind started to wander. How was I gonna tell him that this is probably my last game as a Wizard? He'll still like me right? I wanna be more than 'dating' but does he? I sat up. I stood up and grabbed a glass and filled it with water. "Kelly stop worrying. Brandon loves you, he tells you that every day." I laid back down. "He also shows you he loves in more ways than one." I said. At this point I was just talking to myself. My mind started to wander to the things that Brandon did to me. The way he looks at me when he wants to have sex. The way his lips fit on mine. The feeling I get when he's inside of me. I slowly got hard. I grumbled to myself and rolled over onto my side. I put everything I was thinking aside and went to sleep. I was never gonna get to see him if I didn't go to sleep.

I woke up the next day with the sun shining in my face. I sat up and checked my phone. Brandon has texted me.

Brandon 😘😍💕
Hey babe. I know it's early but I just wanted to say that I miss you and can't wait to see you. Don't forget that we get to see each other today! I love you!

Awww babe. I love you to. Also, I hope I don't forget that I get to see you tonight or else I wouldn't be at the game...

Brandon 😘😍💕
Stop! I didn't mean it that way. I can't wait to see you tonight but I have to go. Coach wants me. Love you.

Love you

I put my phone down and went and took a shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stared at myself in the mirror. How did I get so lucky with Brandon? I got ready for the day. I bummed around all day until I had to go to the game. I walked into the stadium and camera men swarmed me. I brushed past them, honestly I didn't even notice them anymore. I was walking to the locker room when someone pulled me down a hallway. "What the fuck man?!" I snapped and I looked up. "Oh I'm sorry baby." I said smiling up at Brandon.

"You think you can just walk into my stadium looking like that without warning me?" I chuckled. "Boy you ain't a snack you a whole ass meal." He said and I laughed and leaned on him. "Anyways what's been up lately baby?"

"Nothing much. I really wish I could talk but coach wants us all there..."

"It's fine I'll tell him it's my fault." He said and i smiled and kissed him.

"Good." I said smiling. "I've missed you."

"And I've missed you." He said. He wrapped his arms around my waist. We made small talk for a little while. "Hey babe make sure not to look this good on the court mk?"

"Can't make any promises why?"

"The whole world doesn't need to see what you do to me." He said and he smirked.

"Your so gross Brandon." I said and he laughed. "I'm sorry baby I gotta go. I'm already ten minutes late." He frowned.

"Ok, I'll come with you and get you out of trouble." He said and i nodded. We walked back to the locker room together. I walked in and he walked in behind me.

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