37 Questions - Cam x Tre

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"Hey Cam! Tre! Come here." RJ yelled and we both looked up from our phones.

"We bought this game we want you to try out." He said and he motioned to the table which just had a stack of cards on it.

"Ok." I said shrugging. I said down and Tre sat down in front of me. He was so cute. "How do we play?" I asked RJ.

"You just take turns asking each other questions."

"Ok." I said smiling and I leaned against the chair.

"Well we're gonna head out. Tell us if it fun."

"Ok." I said smiling. Tre nodded and they left. "I'll go first!" I said smiling. "Given the choice of anyone in the world. Whom would you want as a dinner guest?"

"That's a hard one. Probably like Damian Lillard or Kyrie or some really good point guard."

"That's cool I would have never though if that but now that I have. I'd want to have dinner with Bron. But then I'd have to clean the dorm." Tre laughed.

"Ok my turn." He said laughing. "Oh, I know this one already." He said as he read over the question. "Would you like to be famous. If so in which way."

"Hmm I think I wan to be the best neurosurgeon in the world." I said. "Naw I'm joking I wanna be the next, Hmm, Paul George probably."

"That cool, I don't know who I wanna be. I just know I wanna be somebody." He said and i smiled.

"Ok." I said grabbing the next card. Before making a phone call do you ever rehearse what to say? If so why?"

"Duh, doesn't everybody? If it's short and to the point you don't wanna mess up or sound stupid."

"Ok yeah I gotta agree with you on that one." I said and he laughed.

"Ok... when did you last sing to yourself? Someone else?"

"I last sang to myself, probably ten minutes ago. And when did I sing to someone else? Probably ten minutes ago when I was singing to myself, horribly, and you were listening to me laughing."

"Ok your not that bad." He laughed and I raised my eyebrows at him. "Ok yeah you are." He laughed. I chuckled.

"You aren't to good yourself Mr. Jones so shut your mouth. Now when was the last time you sang to yourself?"

"This morning getting dressed. And the last time I sang to someone was probably the other day when the whole team was singing." I laughed at the memory.

"If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30 year old for the next 60 years of your life which would you chose?"

"Wait what?" He said. "I'd love to be 150?"

"No!" I said and I died of laughter. I fell over and that made me laugh more. He started to laugh. "Tre." I said laughing. "It means after you turn thirty your body or mind stays the same." He laughed.

"Oh! Well why wasn't it worded that way?!"

"I don't know." I said still laughing.

"I would keep my body because I would be the wisest and hottest 90 year old." He said.

"Stupidly true." I said. "Yeah I'd go with that also." He laughed and grabbed the next card.

"Do you have a secret hunch on how your going to die?"

"Doing something stupid." I chuckled.

"I can see that."

"What?! Tre!" I said laughing. He shrugged.

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